netflix tarzan russian submarine

Tarzan did but the Russian mobster said Escobar would have to come personally to Moscow if he wanted the choppers. “It was crazy but we had to take the talk seriously,” Eaton recalled. The Soviets weren’t just matching the technological might of the world’s first nuclear power, they were exceeding it, and showing the world just how effective their governmental model could be. Birbragher was also a friend of Pablo Escobar, for whom Birbragher used to buy luxury boats and sports cars. So they decided to change their strategy and have one of their Russian-speaking agents go undercover and gain Tarzan’s confidence. Terms of Service. Fainberg, who went by the name “Tarzan,” eventually made enough money to open his own strip club near the Miami airport that he dubbed “Porky’s!” after the sexploitation flick of the same name, which reportedly filmed in the same building. Of course, the fall of the Soviet Union can really be attributed to a number of factors, including the will of its populous, but it’s tough to discount the dire financial straights the former superpower found itself in by 1991–the year the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and a new Russian government took its place. Alex Hollings is a writer, dad, and Marine veteran who specializes in foreign policy and defense technology analysis. In the end, Tarzan spent just 33 months behind bars. The DEA, however, believed that in mid 1993 Tarzan and Almeida succeeded in purchasing up to six M18 military helicopters for $1 million a piece. “The Colombians wanted to retrofit the sub to resemble an oceanographic research vessel,” Handoga explained. If Colombian drug traffickers could get their hands on a sub, it would be a big setback in the War on Drugs. 90s rapper Vanilla Ice was one such friend–and it was actually Mr. Ice himself who first introduced Tarzan to the man who would become his partner-in-crime: Juan Almeida. First, he gave up members of a heroin trafficking ring based in Antwerp, Belgium, and then he went to Italy to help bust some Russian mobsters there. Operation Odessa is as rollicking a documentary about heavy criminals as you get. The Soviets, championing their communist political and economic model, secured a number of early PR victories over the capitalist U.S., being the first nation to send a satellite, a dog, and a person into earth’s orbit. Tiller juxtaposes interviews of the perpetrators with those of former governmental agents. In 1997, a federal task force uncovered a plot to sell a Soviet military-style submarine to a Columbian drug cartel for $35 million. “He was a ‘go to guy,’ a catalyst, and very talented as far as knowing how to work with other people,” said Brent Eaton, a retired DEA agent who was a key investigator on the Operation Odessa team. Roizes was one mean character and the nickname of “Cannibal” that his friends and associates gave him seemed particularly well suited. He was also suspected of laundering money for former Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega. They wanted a better way to smuggle drugs into the United States, so they approached Yester to see if his new friends could purchase a working Soviet Navy submarine for the job. The godfather said he would make some calls. Roizes owned a furniture wholesale business that had branches in Coney Island, New York, as well as in Italy and Russia. Russian’s = singular possessive. "The owner of Porky's was a Russian guy [actually Ukrainian] named Ludwig Fainberg, who calls himself Tarzan," says Galeota. Two days later, Tarzan got the call. What’s even crazier, however, is that the Russians seemed to be more than happy to sell them one. It was normal for us to fly to Cancun for lunch. Operation Odessa had no official standing and no budget, but its members met every Thursday in a room at the lab building in the Kroger Center on Northwest 53rd Street where the DEA office was located. In the style of a fast-paced 1980s caper movie, director Tiller Russell tells the story of how a few gangsters almost got away with this caper. The mobster threatened to kill Tarzan, but Tarzan persuaded the hoodlum to allow him to make some calls so he could rectify the situation. It's very conceivable the sub deal might have happened even as the US Armed Forces and all of the 3-letter agencies were scrambling to attempt to stop it. Follow Alex Hollings: He had a big helicopter. Law enforcement was having a tough time infiltrating Tarzan’s world, but it got a break when Grecia aka “Cannibal” Roizes was arrested for heroin trafficking in 1992. The Russian mobster wanted to become Escobar’s local representative for narcotics distributions in and throughout the former Soviet Union. “He said, ‘There’s this Russian gangster named Tarzan who had a strip club in Miami. A still of Ludwig "Tarzan" Fainberg in front of a Soviet submarine from "Operation Odessa." Mar. The movie opens with a guy called Tarzan, saying in a Russian accent: “I called my friend Michel, and I said can I buy a submarine, a used one?” Apparently, two days later he called him back asking: “With, or without missiles?” This should give you a decent idea of how the protagonists of this Tiller-Russell-directed documentary roll. Tarzan thought he recognized Yasevich from his old Brighton Beach neighborhood. “I said that it would be great to investigate the Russian Mob, but you know that if we ask our bosses to support a Russian crime task force, they are going to say no,’” Handoga recalled. This early lead created what some have taken to calling the “Sputnik Crises” in America and its Western allies. Undeterred, Tarzan offered one of the Russian’s $200 American, which was a significant sum in the mid-90s Russia. They asked if they could take pictures with the subs as proof, but the Russians refused to permit it for obvious reasons. Undeterred, Tarzan offered one of the Russian’s $200 American, which was a significant sum in the mid-90s Russia. That same mole even gifted Tarzan a phone he claimed had been jailbroken to allow for free international calls, so Tarzan wouldn’t have a paper trail reflecting his frequent contacts with Russian sources. They wore tracksuits and sported homemade tattoos that reflected their prison experience. Almeida walked passed them to the head of the table where the “Don” presided. According to what Tarzan told the DEA, he accompanied the helicopters to Sheremetyevo Airport outside Moscow. Fainberg had been convicted of helping to orchestrate the sale of a $35 million Soviet submarine to the Cali Cartel in order to transport cocaine from Colombia to … Russians = plural. It was sun, sand, sex and a nice change from Moscow and Brighton Beach.” Some Russians stayed and formed a fairly large émigré community that had its own bars, delicatessens and music shops. Even if they had taken delivery, the chances of them successfully operating the boat would be practically nil. Their first choice? According to Robert Friedman in his book Red Mafiya, Seidle said Tarzan “was a boisterous big mouth Yiddel but was close to my family, who loved Tarzan.” Seidle staked Tarzan to Porky’s, although he claimed he only collected rent from the club and denied receiving any club profits. The flamboyant Ukrainian made no effort to keep a low profile. According to Tarzan’s own statements, he reached out to inquire, but was told it would take a few days to find out for sure. The props that give the submarines their propulsion are run with electric motors that are recharged by diesel engines. Tarzan went as far as hiring a retired captain for $500 and crew of 17. Great story. Yester had strong ties to the Medellín drug cartel run by none other than Pablo Escobar. Their side of the deal was done and besides, Yester had a habit of uprooting frequently, never living in any one country for too long at a time. Barricade Books. The three law enforcement officers were ahead of the curve. Cannibal jumped up, excited, and they embraced. In another, members of the Russian Navy actually conspired to sell a diesel-electric submarine directly to drug cartels in Colombia for the purposes of smuggling as much as 40 tons worth of cocaine into the U.S. with each trip. Russian Submarine Drifts Into Center of a Brazen Drug Plot. When the first shipment of money arrived in Europe for Yester to funnel to Moscow… he simply didn’t. At Porky’s, DEA agent Yasevich challenged Tarzan: “I don’t believe you really did it.” “Yes I did,” Tarzan said, and he pulled out a photo of himself taken at the submarine base. In one instance, the Russian government themselves even traded the American soft drink company Pepsi a fleet of warships and submarines in exchange for a new shipment of soda. An untested American submarine captain teams with U.S. Navy Seals to rescue the Russian president, who has been kidnapped by a rogue general. Leonid "Tarzan" Fainberg also known as Ludwig Lyosha Fainberg (born January 3, 1958) is a Ukrainian mobster.Born in Odessa, Fainberg left the Soviet Union in the early 1980s for Israel, and moved to the United States following the fall of the Soviet Union. The film began with a tip from a narc I know who works at DEA, seven or eight years ago. If not, you’re going to jail.” Tarzan was charged with 37 separate Federal offenses ranging from racketeering to conspiracy to sell cocaine, heroin and a submarine, to sundry other charges Facing a lifetime in jail, Tarzan made a deal with the U.S. government on the eve of his trial. I’m skeptical about the offer to sell a nuclear weapons to a drug cartel. There was nervous silence. It goes without saying that a vessel of this sort would come in particularly handy for a drug cartel looking for a way to transport large amounts of cocaine into Miami–which is a well-known distribution hub for drugs smuggled in from South and Central America. As a result, even diesel subs are incredibly tough to spot when submerged. If you decide to help yourself, you will be able to go home. If you screw up, you’re gonna die. Showtime. We felt untouchable.” The authorities suspected Almeida of being a drug dealer and believed he wanted to build a large-scale drug trafficking organization that used submarines. “We kept a low profile but the group got bigger and bigger,” Handoga recalled. “The Russian mobsters who came to Miami would look him up and Tarzan would hook them up with whatever they needed—drugs, girls and/or contacts. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); © 2021   Created by Gangsters Inc..   In the mid-1990s, Fainberg attempted to purchase a Soviet diesel submarine for use in drug smuggling for a Colombian cocaine cartel. Tarzan explained to A & E how easy it was to shop for a submarine. According to Tarzan and Yester, the Russian’s even offered to sell them a nuclear weapon. In fact, in a series of war games held in 2005, the massive USS Ronald Reagan, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, was “sunk” repeatedly by a Swedish diesel-electric submarine that managed to sneak past the carrier strike group’s defenses. The new Russian state lacked the funds needed to operate or maintain its massive military apparatus, or even to sufficiently pay large swaths of its personnel. March 7, 1997; ... Mr. Fainberg, who is also known as Tarzan for his … “Tarzan was beginning to suspect (DEA agent) Yasevich, so the operation was getting real dangerous for him,” Eaton recalled “We had to take him off the case and off the streets for a few years to be safe.” Yesevich’s undercover work and hundreds of hours of wiretap conversations gave the DEA what it needed to make its case. Ultimately, Tarzan, Almeida, and Yester all managed to avoid doing any hard time for the submarine deal, though both Tarzan and Yester would ultimately find their ways into prison for other crimes down the road. It’s pretty wild. He also helped them with their investments and money laundering.” After arriving in Miami in the early 1990s, Tarzan had purchased Porky’s with the help of 71-year old Bill Seidle, the owner of a large Nissan dealership in Miami. But for unknown reasons, the deal floundered and was never consummated. The movie opens with a guy called Tarzan, saying in a Russian accent: “I called my friend Michel, and I said can I buy a submarine, a used one?” Apparently, two days later he called him back asking: “With, or without missiles?” This should give you a decent idea of how the protagonists of this Tiller-Russell-directed documentary roll. Soon, the Cali Cartel was in Miami–looking for Yester and their money. For the cartel, it seemed like an investment that was worth the risk. Having proven their value to the cartel, Tarzan and Almeida became the go-between of choice for sourcing Russian hardware. Of course, things weren’t actually moving as smoothly as they may have seemed. In Miami Beach, it became common to see many young Russian men checking into luxury hotels and carrying satellite phones, some of them accompanied by what appeared to be bodyguards. In the U.S. they established bases in at least 17 U.S. cities, most notably New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Denver and Miami. The Russian mobster was pissed and Tarzan was in deep shit. The story of three “businessmen” Tarzan, Juan and Tony, three friends who manage some really insane feats. “I actually enjoyed it.” Cannibal faced a long stretch in jail, but he made a deal with the DEA. The learning curve is steep. He quickly found work as an enforcer for the Gambino crime family, doing the sort of work we’ve come to expect from Russians with mob connections — beating money out of people. A nuclear sub would have been even more interesting. “The Colombians wanted to retrofit the sub to resemble an oceanographic research vessel,” Handoga explained. “ You’re going to talk to us. America’s eventual victory in the Space Race can be seen as indicative of America’s broad approach to battling the Soviets on technological and financial grounds. While the facility was a secret and the pending purchase would have been seen as highly illegal by just about every nation on the planet, Tarzan and Almeida felt they wouldn’t be able to secure the funds without proof that there really was a submarine on the other end of the deal. SXSW Film: From Russia With Subs The unbelievable true tale of submarine smuggling in Operation Odessa By Moisés Chiullán, 2:30PM, Tue. By Mireya Navarro. Of course, Tarzan and Almeida had no idea. But the next request sounded crazy, even to the two men who had managed to charter a military cargo aircraft to smuggle their ill-gotten helicopters to Colombia. Yester, shooting from the hip, told them it would cost him $50 million–a figure that gave the Cali Cartel pause, that is until Yester told them he could ship $40 million worth of cocaine with it in each trip. In the style of a fast-paced 1980s caper movie, director Tiller Russell tells the story of how a few gangsters almost got away with this caper. Has anyone else seen this documentary on Netflix? There were no gangland killings or violent confrontations, though. Upon his release in 1999, Tarzan was deported to Israel with $1,500 in his pocket. Typical cloak and dagger story. Next week, Juan and I were on our way to Russia to buy a submarine.” Russian mobsters in St. Petersburg introduced Tarzan and Almeida to high ranking Russian naval officers who took them to Kronstadt Naval Base, which was littered with left over Cold War military equipment. Before long, Tarzan and Almeida were in business together, flying in and out of post-collapse Russia, and purchasing everything from motorcycles to helicopters for pennies on the American dollar, which they would then sell to customers for a tidy profit. Tarzan’s crime-connections and booming business helped him meet a number of powerful or influential figures on both sides of the law. Operating a real submarine (not a small low observable craft such as are being used now), is a very complex undertaking. Cannibal also spent three years in prison for hitting a man so hard in the stomach that his intestines came out of his recent medical incision. The members dubbed their task force “Operation Odessa” after the major port city in the Republic of the Ukraine. It's the story of three guys who attempt to purchase a Russian submarine to smuggle cocaine. In the 1970s the Miami Beach Police Department began noticing that a number of local Russian emigre cab drivers were committing an inordinate number of crimes, although they did not fit the profile of “gangster.” They were clean cut and appeared to be chasing the American Dream. Tarzan boasted about what great deal maker he was. Suddenly the Russian seized him in a bear hug, and cried, “Pablo, Pablo Escobar. Directed by Donovan Marsh. In the decades since the fall of the Soviet Union, many Americans have taken to... *The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. Those early Soviet wins led directly to the establishment of NASA, and the re-orienting of famed-former Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun away from the Redstone missiles he was tasked with building and toward the heavens. DEA agent Brent Eaton accompanied the Miami Dade Police officers that made the arrest. This is an excerpt from Ron Chepesiuk’s forthcoming book, Gangsters of Miami: True Tales of Mobsters, Gamblers, Hitmen, Con Men and Gang Bangers from the Magic City. This is an excerpt from Ron Chepesiuk’s forthcoming book, Gangsters of Miami: True Tales of Mobsters, Gamblers, Hitmen, Con Men and Gang Bangers from the Magic City. Tarzan and Almeida began traveling to Russia together in search of a submarine. 13, 2018 Netflix says: "A Russian mobster, a Cuban spy and a smooth operator from Miami scheme to sell a Soviet submarine to a Colombian drug cartel for $35 million." In the early 1990s, DEA agent Bill Handoga got together with Ed Riley, a DEA intelligence analyst, and FBI agent Robert Levinson to discuss what they knew about Russian organized crime in the city. Their documentary Operation Odessa tracks Tarzan, Almeida, and a Cuban “businessman” (spy) named Tony Yestor as they maybe possibly attempt to … They bought pricey condos on the beach and gated mansions on Fisher Island. They were shown diesel submarines and taken inside some of them. From the director and producers of The Seven Five comes Operation Odessa, a true crime thriller about a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy and a Cuban spy who teamed up to sell a nuclear submarine to a Colombian drug cartel. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Let’s do some real shit, cocaine.” The day after a hard night on the Moscow town with the Russian mobster, Tarzan and Almeida were allowed to leave Russia with their helicopters. Instead, he hid the $10 million in a friend’s home and paid that friend $10,000 to make himself scarce. His two forthcoming books include The Trafficantes: Godfathers from Tampa, Florida The Mafia, CIA and the JFK Assassination (an e-book in February 2010) and Sergeant Smack: The Lives and Times of Ike Atkinson (June 2110. But, as the authorities learned, many of them were involved in such activities as gambling, narcotics, prostitution and extortion. The mobster wanted in on a piece of the cocaine trade so he requested Escobar’s presence in order to cut a deal releasing Tarzan. “Do you want the submarine with missiles or without?” Tarzan recalls his contact saying in a 2018 documentary about the ordeal called “Operation Odessa.” Just like that, the ball was rolling to equip Escobar’s former drug cartel with their own military submarine. Tarzan and Almeida became good friends and business partners. “ So we decided to organize our own unofficial ad hoc task force.” The trio recruited colleagues in other law enforcement agencies operating in Miami interested in participating in the task force. The Russian sub in question was a Foxtrot-class, which had been in service since the 1950s. As we watched one of the baddest dudes we’re ever apt to see anywhere outside of a movie pounding on the hatch of the mostly submerged sub, many of us were shocked to learn that drug cartels actually have their own submarines. ## Ron Chepesiuk ( is award winning freelance investigative journalist and documentary producer. Russian Jews like Ludwig 'Tarzan' Fainberg commit crimes world-wide under the guise of the 'Russian Mafia', when in fact they are an organized crime ring made up of Russian Jews. There’s this Russian mobster [named Tarzan] who once sold a submarine to the Cali drug cartel. Tarzan had been friends with Roizes in Israel. In 1986 South Florida law enforcement uncovered its first big Russian Mafia-related crime involving a bogus gasoline wholesale business suspected of stealing gas taxes in South Florida. Once he was given the green light from his sources within the Cali Cartel, Yester contacted Tarzan to have him reach out to his connections in Russia. Of course, the phone wasn’t jailbroken… it was bugged, resulting in thousands of hours of conversation for law enforcement to pour through. On June 21, 1997, Tarzan was arrested in Miami after picking up his daughter from the William and Mariam Tauber Day Care Center in his sleek white 1996 Jaguar convertible. In fact, many credit President Ronald Reagan with effectively spending the Soviets into ruin, fielding increasingly capable military platforms and weapons, which forced the Soviets to respond in kind, despite their struggling economy. 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