arron banks insurance

And vice versa.”. The atmosphere was ugly. Leave.EU and an insurance company owned by the campaign group's founder Arron Banks are facing fines of £60,000 each. And when I’d complained, he said: “You aren’t a customer, we don’t hold any data on you and frankly a journalist asking questions isn’t private, dopey!”. Although its Brexit campaign-related findings will dominate today's reports, its concerns go wider. Arron Banks in his offices in Bristol in 2010. f a 29-year-old Peugeot 309 is the answer, it’s fair to wonder: what on earth is the question? The ICO said the use of personal data to target political messages had to be "transparent and lawful if we are to preserve the integrity of our election process". The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. "We are still looking at how the Remain side of the referendum campaign handled personal data, including the electoral roll, and will be considering whether there are any breaches of data protection or electoral law requiring further action," the report added. Because the request to Leave.EU was assigned to an employee whose email states “(Eldon Insurance Services)” and who has worked for Eldon Insurance Services Ltd since October 2016. Emails about mocking up Photoshopped images of me to put out on Twitter. Eldon Insurance and Leave.EU co-founder Arron Banks is chasing after former Deal or No Deal host Noel Edmonds, who allegedly owes Banks £1.3m.. In 2011 Arron Banks floated Brightside, a Bristol-based insurance broker he had built from practically nothing. What else did it know about me? Aaron Arron Fraser Andrew Banks (1966–) is the money man and self-styled "Bad Boy of Brexit" has funded one of the main sister organisations of Leave campaign, Questions, such as: what private information do Banks’s companies hold on you? About the relationship of Banks with Eldon insurance. The Information Commissioner's Office found that the political campaign used access to the personal data of customers of Eldon Insurance to unlawfully send them political marketing material. Carole’s 29-year-old Peugeot has been an unlikely gateway to new discoveries about data. It was intended to creep me out. Companies House shows dozens of companies registered in Banks’s name and variants of his name – Aaron Banks, Aron Fraser Andrew Banks, Arron Andrew Fraser Banks, to name three – including a private investigations firm, Precision Risk and Intelligence Ltd. Andy Wigmore – a director of Eldon and Leave.EU’s spokesman – had told me previously that all insurance firms had access to police … The companies were issued the fines two years ago, for including promotions for Banks’s GoSkippy insurance brand in emails to Leave.EU subscribers … Westmonster, the political news site Banks founded and funded, is registered to an Eldon Insurance address. Where did it come from? I had given all sorts of private information: my home, car, personal relationships, and it had passed that private, sensitive information on to Eldon. But I had given my consent and it shared my information in accordance with its privacy policy. What else, I wondered, did Leave.EU have planned? He added: "Gosh we communicated with our supporters and offered them a 10% Brexit discount after the vote! It said it had found no evidence Vote Leave had "transferred or processed personal data outside the UK unlawfully - or that it processed personal data without the consent of data subjects". Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images LONDON — Revenue at UKIP donor and Brexit campaigner Arron Banks' insurance business jumped 40% to £47.3 million last year, accounts show. Was I – or had I been – a customer of Eldon at some point? Mr Banks defended himself on Twitter after the report's release. But, in November, I appeared to touch a nerve. Whether the ICO has the power to get the answers – or whether we’re going to continue to rely on clues obtained by a parliamentary committee and a 29-year-old Peugeot – remains to be seen. But it said it was investigating how Vote Leave delivered "electronic marketing communications" and whether its actions were a breach of privacy rules. Banks had previously told me that “I wouldn’t be so lippy in Russia” and both he and Leave.EU had made a habit of retweeting personal attacks directed at me by the Russian Embassy’s Twitter account. Or at least raise questions. The companies came under the scrutiny of data protection watchdog the Information Commissioner's Office during its long-running investigation into the use of personal data in political campaigns. Because my attempt to find something as benign and unavoidable as a new insurance deal – just like millions of others – for my Peugeot had inadvertently revealed personal data they potentially had access to. It was subsequently used in a Leave.EU tweet. Leave.EU campaign and Arron Banks firm Eldon Insurance fined for illegal marketing. It wasn’t so much that it had been put up, but that it stayed up – only coming down, eventually, when the Observer’s editors intervened. Music video and wedding filmed at erupting volcano. The UK voted by 51.9% to 48.1% to leave the EU in a referendum in June 2016. Emails they’d sent employees about me. Banks has routinely been described as an “insurance tycoon”. But the email chain and others in the folder pose more questions. And not just to me. These were identified by different codes and a legend supplied with the spreadsheet revealed the codes represented software companies. And because it turns out that my experience may not be unique. It did carry out work for the campaign, she said. Six months later, she found a mass of personal details held by a firm she had never contacted that is run by Leave.EU’s biggest donor, Arron Banks. Or that my car – a vehicle that dates from the last millennium – could hold any sort of clue to anything. The Information Commissioner said … Have India's rallies helped spread coronavirus? Because I was simply seeking information, as I have for the last 16-plus months, about what the Leave campaigns did during the referendum – specifically, what they did with data. A pro-Brexit campaign and insurance company both run by Arron Banks have been fined by the UK data watchdog. Music video and wedding filmed at erupting volcano. It also imposed a £15,000 fine for a separate "serious" breach after a Leave.EU newsletter was sent to more than 319,000 email addresses on Eldon's customer database. He first gained prominence when in 2014 he gave a million pounds to United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), becoming one its main beneficiaries. VideoMusic video and wedding filmed at erupting volcano, Trauma, genocide and my invisible illness, 'They wanted to tie me and my child to a horse', Palestinian leaders face reckoning as rare elections loom, George Floyd: How Black Lives Matter protesters feel now. The ICO called the emails a "serious breach" of data protection law, with almost 300,000 sent … So what?". How might it have been used? PA. Pro-Brexit campaign group Leave.EU and an insurance company owned by its founder Arron Banks face total fines of £135,000 over breaches of … Brendan Cox – the widow of Jo Cox – said that it created “a context where violence is more likely”. Arron Banks owns the GoSkippy and Vavista car insurance brands In fact, I had no idea about either the question or the answer when I submitted a “subject access request” to Eldon Insurance Services in December last year. © 2021 BBC. The questions are out there. Insurance tycoon Arron Banks, 48, was arrested over given an official warning over his pursuit of 33-year-old Jo Featherby, who he first hired as an 18-year-old waitress. The Leave.EU campaign and the insurance company owned by the political group’s key financial backer, Arron Banks, have lost an appeal against £105,000 of fines for data protection violations in the wake of the EU referendum campaign. “We have no information on you dopey! If true, Ravi Naik, a human rights lawyer who specialises in data rights, says it would be a scandal on the level of the one now engulfing Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. But there it was: my Eldon data, a spreadsheet, that showed it had gathered 12 different sets of data on me from three different sources. He was right: I wasn’t an Eldon customer. Arron Banks' insurance firm and Leave.EU have been slapped with fines totalling £135,000 for data breaches in the Brexit campaign. Businessman Arron Banks is facing claims that he may have misled parliament over the links between his pro-Brexit campaign and his insurance company during the EU referendum. The ICO found them to be “likely” in breach of the Data Protection Act and said it had written to notify them. Facebook treated voters with 'disrespect', Indian hospitals send SOS as Covid toll surges. The report says more than a million emails sent to Leave.EU subscribers contained marketing for the Eldon Insurance firm's GoSkippy services. The second folder was a surprise. Or that my car – a vehicle that dates from the last millennium – could hold any sort of clue to anything. Leave.EU and Arron Banks insurance firm fined £120,000 for data breaches This article is more than 2 years old Information commissioner also launches data … Conservative MPs had started to criticise the government’s Brexit plans, it had been revealed that Robert Mueller was investigating Cambridge Analytica, and it was in the middle of this that Leave.EU put out a video: a spoof video that showed me being beaten up and threatened with a gun. It said that while measures were in place to try to make sure academics behaved ethically, the same could not be said for whether they had taken enough steps to protect the public's information - particularly in cases where the same academics also did work for private companies. Both Leave.EU and Eldon Insurance … If a 29-year-old Peugeot 309 is the answer, it’s fair to wonder: what on earth is the question? Arron Banks' insurance company Eldon is facing a £60,000 ICO fine for alleged data misuse "But we do know that personal privacy rights have been compromised by a number of players and that the digital electoral ecosystem needs reform.". The letter triggered a steam of abuse, Banks and Wigmore revealing the contents of my letter in a series of tweets. Somerset Bridge owner Arron Banks and director Elizabeth Bilney have settled a complaint against the Electoral Commission. Leave.EU was, and still is, based within Eldon Insurance’s HQ. It's notable that by far the biggest donation for which Banks is being investigated didn’t come in the form of money. Banks was offered a junior job at the insurance market of Lloyd's of London. Another Leave.EU tweet called them a “cancer”. Two months earlier, I’d spent 72 hours getting increasingly unsettled by the video Leave.EU put out and which, despite hundreds of complaints from people, it had refused to take down. Missing Indonesian submarine sank off Bali1, Indian hospitals send SOS as Covid toll surges2, Sia named worst director for her film Music3, Second cryptocurrency platform closes in Turkey4, PM urged to explain funding of flat refurbishment5, Stop killings, Myanmar chief told on trip abroad6, A city where 'breathing has become a luxury'7, 'They wanted to tie me and my child to a horse'9, Ghislaine Maxwell makes first US court appearance10. The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), he said, had found "we may have accidentally sent a newsletter to customers" but "no evidence of a grand data conspiracy". An in-depth profile of Banks at The New Statesman noted that in his early life he went to a “third-rate” boarding school, Crookham Court in Berkshire, where he was expelled for an “accumulation of offences.” He was later expelled again for a “monumental pub crawl,” and said that his lack of “educational attainment” ruled out university. Arron Banks' Brexit campaign and insurance firm face fine over 'serious' data breaches. And where did it come from? image caption Arron Banks ran Leave.EU from his insurance offices An operations manager says on camera she had worked for Mr Banks previously for six years in insurance before moving to the campaign. So, on 17 December last year I submitted a request to Liz Bilney, chief executive of both Leave.EU and Eldon Insurance Services, that asked for the personal information held on me by 19 of Banks’s companies. Read about our approach to external linking. The investigation was initially prompted by reports in The Observer about the activities of data firm Cambridge Analytica, which was accused of improperly harvesting millions of Facebook accounts. A city where breathing has become a luxury, Missing Indonesian submarine sank off Bali. Eldon Insurance has seen profits rocket 165%, in a significant boost for founder and major shareholder Arron Banks. Emails were sent to almost 300,000 customers of Arron Banks' insurance firm containing a … Video, Music video and wedding filmed at erupting volcano, George Floyd: How Black Lives Matter protesters feel now. This was denied by the Lib Dems and the Stronger In campaign. Last year, Banks defended the practice, saying: “Why shouldn’t I? When asked about this crossover of employees, directors and projects, Banks said: “During the campaign a small number of managers were allocated, expensed in the EC [electoral commission] return and worked on Leave.EU.” When asked about current employees, including current employees who were working for both organisations concurrently, he gave no reply. VideoGeorge Floyd: How Black Lives Matter protesters feel now, 'As long as I can play in the Olympics, I'm happy' Video'As long as I can play in the Olympics, I'm happy'. And the subject access request – a legal mechanism I’d learned about from Paul-Olivier Dehaye, a Swiss mathematician and data expert – was a shot in the dark. Email to an employee requesting artwork to make Carole look ‘manic’. Leave won, get over it!”. So far, so predictable. The watchdog's report said all the UK's 11 major political parties were engaged in risky behaviour and it had sent each a formal warning. As a result, the ICO said it was now working with the higher education sector to make sure privacy rules are followed. For its report, the Information Commissioner has been looking at how political campaigns use personal data to "micro target" voters. The sum apparently covers the policy fee for the TV presenter’s legal costs when Edmond’s business, Unique Group, took on Lloyd’s Banking Group in a case that involved the fraudulent HBOS loans scam at the bank’s Reading branch. And there was my data: Eldon had my name, age, address, email address, friends and family who had been on my car insurance and how I had been scored for risk. The ICO said over a million emails between February and July 2017 had been sent to Leave.EU subscribers, including marketing information about GoSkippy, without their consent. Carole Cadwalladr just wanted to insure her car. The telling detail was that it was sent at 13.34, the same time as the final entry on the spreadsheet. Going back to Moneysupermarket, I could see that I’d consented to my data being shared with its partners when I sought quotes and that, according to the terms and conditions it had set out, it could share it if it wanted. Questions that urgently need answers. And it did. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, however, in pursuing. Arron Banks, the self-styled bad boy of Brexit who bankrolled the successful grassroots Leave.EU campaign, is now facing a criminal probe into where its money came from. No copy. Unlike Banks, the new investors wanted to cash in, so the following year they unceremoniously sacked him as chief executive of the company and then in 2014 they sold Brightside to the private equity firm AnaCap for £130m. The regulator also highlighted deep concerns about university researchers' handling of personal data. The dispute relates to loans totalling £8m provided to Better for the Country and Leave.EU from Banks’ Isle of Man-based company Rock Holdings. The image – flatearth.jpg – is attached in the next email and later @LeaveEUOfficial put it out on Twitter. He said: “Eldon has never given... any data to Leave.EU, they are separate entities with strong data control rules. Arron Banks and Andy Wigmore, two of the key figures in Nigel Farage’s Leave.EU campaign during the 2016 EU Referendum, may have a vested interest in seeing the NHS replaced by insurance-based healthcare. I tell the story at length because this is the context in which I found out this information. Arron Banks' insurance firm and Leave.EU campaign 'face fines for breaching data protection rules' Save Arron Banks, the owner of Eldon Insurance was … My disquiet about what information companies and organisations hold on me, and how it might be used, is a disquiet that, in the light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, should perhaps be felt by everyone. Arron Banks claims Twitter had “deliberately chosen” to leave his personal information online. In its annual report, it reveals it holds data on 24.9 million people – half the British electorate. “Madwoman @carolecadwalla is desperate to unearth some global conspiracy to undermine the #EURef. And the video felt threatening. “It’s what Christopher Wylie has been saying about the weaponisation of data,” says Naik. The video, showing a photoshopped image of me being hit in the face to the music of the Russian national anthem, went up the same week the Telegraph launched an attack on “Brexit mutineers”. And their relationship to each other. Arron Banks, Andy Wigmore, Elizabeth Bilney, Alison Marshall were on the board and also trustees of Banks’ charity, the Love Saves the Day Foundation. A post-Brexit advert for Eldon Insurance. Questions about the relationship between Banks and Leave.EU. She appeared before the select committee for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and told MPs that, despite ferocious denials repeated for more than a year, Cambridge Analytica did process data for Leave.EU and Ukip. There isn’t one. What happens to your body in extreme heat? Also cc-ed is another employee who Kaiser’s emails, released via parliament last week, show was involved with the work that Cambridge Analytica did for the campaign. Eldon’s operations manager, for example, is also Leave.EU’s operations manager. Cambridge Analytica misled MPs over work for Leave.EU, says ex-director. A final decision is still to be reached on an alleged breach relating to the company's overall handling of personal data. Typical is this one from 13 December, in which Wigmore writes: “Can we get a picture of carole codswallop accepting her award Oscar style thanking the Russians, Facebook Arron and myself with caption only 75p spent on Brexit etc – make it funny.”, Or this one from May last year, four days after the Observer published the first story that used Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower, as an anonymous source: “Can you do a tile of Carole Cadwalladr with a tin foil hat on, looking manic at a computer with a big whiteboard with illuminati triangles with a big chalkboard filled with formulae etc. The Leave.EU campaign and Brexiteer Arron Banks' insurance biz Eldon have been fined a total of £120,000 for dodging direct marketing rules. Six months later, she found a mass of personal details held by a firm she had never contacted that is run by Leave.EU’s biggest donor, Arron Banks. Moneysupermarket responded: “Our providers use the personal information from our customers to generate personalised quotes for the service they have asked for (such as quoting for car insurance) and are not allowed to use this information for anything else unless they have permission from the customer.”. Then, from an office above a bakery in Thornbury, Gloucestershire, Banks started a motorcycle insurance brok… It also investigated a claim that the Liberal Democrats had sold the personal data of its party members to the official Remain campaign - Britain Stronger in Europe - for about £100,000. Adverts for his firm GoSkippy are routinely sent to people on Leave.EU’s mailing list. The “piss taking” was – until November’s video – the main mode of communication from Leave.EU to me. Vote Leave, not Leave.EU, was chosen as the official Leave campaign for the 2016 referendum, and worked with a Canadian analytics firm called AIQ. "We do have cause for concern and we will be reporting on this imminently," it added. The Brexit campaign founder had told MPs no staff worked for both Leave.EU and his insurance firm. Leave.EU’s persistent but mostly lighthearted attacks on my work began to change in tone. Arron Banks Credentials. The next day, I complained to the ICO that my attempt to access my private data, as is my right under British law, had been disclosed publicly and used as the basis to attack me further. Other employees are listed as working for working both companies. It said it had uncovered a "disturbing disregard for voters' personal privacy". I hadn’t, it turned out, but a search of my inbox revealed that on 27 July last year, I’d taken out car insurance on the basis of a quote I’d obtained from The insurance tycoon has been accused of breaking the law in connection with millions of pounds worth of funding for the Leave campaign Leave.EU backer Arron Banks … Last week, the Observer revealed that in the same week that the ICO had raided Cambridge Analytica’s office and seized evidence, it had issued “information notices” to both Leave.EU and Banks, a regulatory action that asks for information to be provided, for which non-compliance is a criminal offence. What’s more, she said, she visited Eldon’s call centre and HQ in Bristol, which had also served as the campaign HQ for Leave.EU, and seen with her “own eyes” how Eldon employees used Eldon data to target people with political messages. 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