yakuza 4 characters

Unfortunately, Munakata foresaw Arai's betrayal and came prepared. Download Yakuza 4 Hiroki Narimiya Restoration Patch. Assistant commissioner of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Kiryu starting off with several useful upgrades from the previous game already unlocked may make him an. Not to mention, he's the antagonist that he has the most personal connection to. His SAT assaulters will be doing most of the heavy lifting for him during his boss fight. 25 years ago, he was the one who prevented Majima to join Saejima for the Ueno Sewa hit. Not to mention he can actually put up a decent fight all on his own unlike Munakata. Arai is a cop who went undercover as a Yakuza member of the Tojo Clan years ago and he conducts himself in a polite, dignified manner. However while he had a tendency to help the prostitutes around Kamurocho and support them, he was also apparently profitting off of an illegal prostitution smuggling ring that was exploting them not too dissimilar to what Tanimura's been doing to several seedier businesses around town. It helped him see how even bad guys can have their own purpose and sense of justice. Gets killed by Arai (under Katsuragi's orders) after the latter. Despite having personal experience with firearms in killing Ihara, plus his presumed police training, he shoots Munakata in the head near the climax - and apparently doesn't realize in his indignation that he didn't inflict any visible blood or wounding on the man due to the gun being pre-emptively loaded with rubber bullets, and doesn't bother to check either. Despite being the game's biggest antagonist and the last boss faced in the story, he displays no combat ability beyond pointing and shooting at Tanimura with his handgun. Naturally, he and Kiryu end up fighting after they've barely spoken. When Date exposes of his corruption all over Kamurocho by spreading all of his newspaper headlines by helicopter. He was a former detective and partner to Taigi turned coffee shop owner. After beating down Suguichi who affirms that he was indeed the one who killed Tanimura's father, he starts crying while angrily demanding how an honest cop could betray his partner like that. Him being unconcious ended up saving his life since Ihara stashed him away in garbage in the Champions District to be picked up later only for Ihara to get shot in the head later that night. he shoots Yasuko in the back. The death of his father at the hands of the Tojo family has left him with a venomous hatred of yakuza. She's murdered countless yakuza goons on Katsuragi's orders even though she knows that he's not a trustworthy man simply because of the slightest chance that she could be reunited with her beloved brother who she hasn't seen in 25 years since he was imprisoned for 18 counts of homocide. Alongside mainstay protagonist … Along with Hideaki Arai, Daigo Dojima and Seishiro Munakata, Or not. As he leaves, he tells Ichiban that he's looking forward to the next round, He teams up with Akiyama against Kiryu in the latter's fourth chapter, when they mistake him for an enemy, It's almost a necessity to use this tactic during his. Game » Masayoshi Tanimura. Daigo Dojima. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other After a member of his organization is murdered by another Yakuza, he demands vengeance. He gets murdered by Arai just as he's about to have his way with Yasuko, so it's hard to feel bad for him. it's revealed that Arai is working for Munakata. All of the Clan Creator codes for Yakuza 6 are listed below in alphabetical order, along with the rarity of the character the code provides. Meteor Strike: As the name implies, it's a. Killer Kick Combo: Akiyama launches a brutal 11-hit combo culminating with a spinning side kick to the face. * Read the most helpful review He's actually a cop working undercover in the Tojo Clan for Munakata. Released in 2015 and bringing the series to the PlayStation 4, Yakuza 0 serves as the first chronological title in the franchise, taking its place as a prequel to the series which, at the time, was celebrating ten years of release. By the time of the endgame, he's turned his back on Munakata and the police in order to subjugate Kamurocho using the Tojo Clan. He is a close friend of Akiyama and a high-ranking member of the Shibata family. Tanimura opts instead to have him crash with him at Little Asia, but instead Mishima immediately gets shot and killed by Sugiuchi. He was the killer of Tanimura's dad. An aggressive and intimidating figure, he begins a search for Lily at the behest of his boss, Goro Majima. A reliable employee who takes care of things at the office for the laid-back and disorganized Akiyama. He shoots Yasuko, which eventually kills her, but not before she puts a bullet in his head. to show his shifty nature as well as to show he's quite strong enough to keep up with Saejima in the final battle. He's the mastermind of a conspiracy to build privately-run prisons for yakuza, and it's later revealed that Kyohei Jingu, the. Being the first character we get to play in the series after Kiryu, Akiyama leaves quite … All of the revolvers he was given were loaded with experimental rubber bullets. He's actually one to Munakata, and then Arai betrays as well him once Munakata was willing to cross the line by threatening children. This is the fighting mechanics in Yakuza 4. This ultimately leads Kido to follow through on his plan of stealing one hundred billion yen from Akiyama in the name of restoring the Tojo Clan to glory. A subordinate, working for Kanemura Enterprises. Sadly it's all an act and he's actually a very dangerous, His shooting and subsequent murder of Shibata in which he continues to behave in a serene, respectful manner would probably mark him as, Captain of Kanemura Enterprises and strong enough to be Akiyama's. Ambition. His boss fight primarily has him hiding in the corner and leave the fighting to his mooks. I show off some weapon use, super moves and more. The entire plot of the game; Him using Yasuko to eliminate members of the Shibata Family who know of Katsuragi's hands in the Ueno Seiwa hit, his demands for possession of Kamurocho Hills and the profits it entails, were all a desperate attempt by Katsuragi to break free from Munakata's control. He has big plans for cracking down on crime. He seems first loyal to Arai, then he seems like he betrays Arai for Katsuragi, then at the end of the 4th chapter he reveals it was a fluke and never betrayed Arai. I look like your run-of-the-mill punk. By the time Saejima returns to Kamurocho, he's become homeless and senile. It was then that Sasai found him and agreed to pay it off under the condition that Taiga join his family, which ultimately saved her life. Characters. A legend in the force who rose to deputy commissioner despite lacking a formal background in civil service. One of his heat moves he can use on Saejima if he knocks him to the ground is to perform the "Essence of Wreckage". He understandably calls out Daigo for selling out Majima to the police. Originally they got close to him solely to manipulate and exploit him, but they ended seeing him as a brother as well. He practically betrays everyone who works for him. Mishima reveals to Tanimura that they were explicitly ordered to cause trouble at Club Elnard that night. Akiyama also uses some transphobic language to describe the employees at "Drama Queen" in the original, which was revised in the remaster. It isn't even her weight that's the problem since even after she returns after slimming down considerably, he still doesn't seem all that interested in her romantically. He also admits that he enjoyed being a cop and felt awful for being called a hero when he was a fraud the whole time. The Ueno Seiwa hit that he had staged had many glaring flaws and discrepancies that an experienced police officer like Munakata can quickly see through. Admits to have enjoyed being a cop and receiving praise for his success while simultaneously feeling immense guilt since he was secretly a Yakuza member the entire 30 plus years he was on the force. Or you? The actor that played Tanimura, Hiroki Narimiya, was both the voice for the character and the basis for his character model. voiced by Koichi Yamadera. Justified since he appears to spend the majority of his time around non-Japanese speakers in Little Asia, and, He was recast for the remaster, giving hope it is. Despite being a yakuza mole he grew to take pride in his job as a cop and was guilt-ridden whenever someone praised him for helping others. For all of his intelligence and skill in managing to stay one step ahead of all of the heroes for the entirety of the game, his attempt to take control of the situation from his boss Munakata by murdering him falls flat because he didn't anticipate Munakata handing him a pistol loaded with rubber bullets allowing Munakata him to survive the attempt at his life. Isao Katsuragi shot everyone at the shop to pave the way for his own promotion, and had his own blood-brother shoot him to make him look like a survivor. Now a journalist, he often can be found working from the New Serena bar in Kamurocho. Kazuma Kiryu. She's Taiga Saejima's younger stepsister who has gone through hell as Katsuragi's pet assassin to see her brother one last time before his intended execution. Yakuza 7‘s story is set in Yokohama, in the city of Isezaki Ijin.The story’s protagonist is Ichiban Kasuga, a yakuza part of the Arakawa clan. © 2021 GIANT BOMB, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. He reappears in "5" in Tsukimino as an entrant in the Victory Road tournament. Ya sit up there chantin' "kill, kill, kill." The full list of Inside the exclusive content is: Extra outfits for characters: Kazuma, Haruka, Akiyama, Taiga and Tanimura. Remarks that Tanimura's the only honest cop he's known for the 30 years he's been on the force for better or for worse and invites him to try and take him down once it's been made clear he's working together with Katsuragi. A detective from a southeast Asian country visiting Japan to track down a mysterious criminal known as GG. As a boss fight, he shares "Smile Venomously" with Kiryu and Tanimura. Daigo Dojima is the Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan in the Yakuza series. By the end, all he cares about is using Akiyama's stolen 100 billion yen to bring justice to Kamurocho apparently by first taking over the Tojo Clan. This ultimately enabled Munakata to blackmail Katsuragi from a position of strength. By the end of the game, he tries to turn his back on the. Matt Kessler. As a quick sidebar, Nair was never explicitly said to be speaking in Filipino in the original version of. When he was a young boy, he wanted to become a school teacher. during the final boss fight as it becomes more and more clear that. Shibata has Arai under his wing and involves him in business dealings such as his recent inspection of the Kamurocho Hills construction site. The last chapter reveals that he's alive and that his loyalty lies with Daigo rather than Arai after all. Shoots Munakata and later discards his police badge in front of Daigo and Kido to signify him turning his back on the. His loyalty actually lies with Daigo over Arai. It's actually completely identical to Daigo Dojima's, but Arai uses it far more sparingly. This is what tipped Kiryu off that he spent time in prison as, "you had the look of a guy who hadn't seen a woman in a long time". The worse part is that Saejima never suspected a thing until he escapes prison 25 years later. She is a dedicated worker, although her patience is often tested by her boss’ aloof behaviour. An infamous Tojo yakuza clan member sentenced to death for killing eighteen high-ranking officers of the rival Ueno Seiwa Clan in 1985. He's outright driven to tears when he learns that Sugiuchi affirms that he really did kill Tanimura's father despite the two of them working together as partners. She's Taiga Saejima's younger stepsister who has gone through hell as Katsuragi's pet assassin to see her brother one last time before his intended execution. Arai uses a similar, if not identical, fighting style during their final duel and Akiyama states that Arai had to save him from homeless hunters before the story began, it's likely that Arai either taught him or Akiyama emulated his fighting style out of respect. A mysterious woman central to the events of Yakuza 4. A capable detective who has been on the force for more than 30 years in a division focused on murder cases and something like a (very harsh) father figure to Tanimura. Part of his plan for Penitentiary No. She starts out as little more than a comic foil, but she eventually shows some very cool Hidden Depths. He has so much money, and makes so much money, it's lost all value to him. voiced by Takaya Kuroda. delicate and threatened by a couple of Yakuza. Akiyama has him pegged as the next successor to the Tojo clan. Then he tries to kill Munakata because he crossed a line that Arai wasn't willing to. First introduced in Akiyama's chapter, she approaches him asking to borrow an astronomical amount of money. It's only fitting that he meets his death the same way when at Yasuko's mercy. The Yakuza series has been around since 2005 and has featured a ton of fantastic characters. Tanimura as he appears in the remastered version of. Might qualify as one to Munakata as well since he's the primary enforcer of his will at least until he turns on Munakata. Instead, Katsuragi is the acting leader in his stead. He also has no known history of formal training in martial arts or just experience with street fighting like most of the cast prior to, However, with the money he's throwing around for his business, and. 2 in Okinawa involved releasing inmates to generate artificial crime to make the police look better and solidify their power. Ihara dies by the hand of Arai, Mishima goes into hiding after that. He starts ranting about taking Munakata's life with his own two hands and how he'll bring proper justice to Kamurocho by any means necessary. She was also sought out by Tanimura for the last 25 years, believing she was the last person who saw his father alive. In Yakuza 6, he returns to jail again to fulfill his previous sentence. With an affable personality that lacks the affectations of a typical Yakuza, he has complete trust of his superior, Arai. Unfortunately, this also means he's too manly to try karaoke or woo some hostesses. He returns in Dead Souls to witness and take part in fighting the zombie outbreak, and in Yakuza 5, where he opens a new branch of Sky Finance in Sotenbori only to discover the death of a colleague, and helps Haruka discover the truth behind it. Junior Leader of the Tojo Clans Majima Family. During one of his last substories, when Tanimura finally arrests the politician who ordered the hit on his biological father Yusuke Kaga, he remarks that Tanimura is the spitting image of him. by the time he shows again in Like A Dragon his features are far less harsh and he loses a lot of his more noticeable wrinkles, either due to graphical changes or finally not being forced into prison again. But come on. The third student. The Sasai family disbanded after Sasai took responsability for the incident and stepped down. After he learns he was set up, he breaks out of prison and returns to Kamurocho to find out what happened to his old family and why he was abandoned on that fateful night before the police catch up to him again. Despite his flaws, he does genuinely care about the people of Kamurocho. Narimiya was face-scanned for Yakuza 4's more dramatic cutscenes, as well. When it's revealed that he's working for Munakata and has been ordered to take out Zhao and Mei Hua who he already has tied up, his glasses are suddenly for more opaque than usual though you can still make out his eyes behind them. He overestimates his own plans, leaving them vulnerable against superior thinkers (like Munakata) and superior fighters (like Kiryu). He seems like a non-threatening punk and isn't a yakuza. He's actually an undercover cop. Unpack the files to and overwrite when prompted. Hana is the secretary at Sky Finance, working under Shun Akiyama. Like his patriarch, he is tough, aggressive, crazy, and can't carry a tune when singing karaoke.note Until Yakuza 0 proved that Majima actually could sing. Yakuza 4 (龍が如く4 伝説を継ぐもの Ryū ga Gotoku fō: Densetsu o Tsugumono, lit. The second student. He is a bad, bad man. Mentors. voiced by Hiroki Narimiya and 1 other. Isn't used in his and Akiyama's fight against Kiryu, due to having given the gun to Yasuko for self-defense beforehand. A certain revelation also lets him use the "Essence of Ball and Chain" heat action while using Arm Grab which allows him to flip enemies using their own momentum against them. Raging Tiger Cyclone: His Poundmate Special in ''Like a Dragon; Saejima bursts out from a manhole, catches the cover, starts spinnning hard enough to create a tornado that picks up surrounding debris and cars before tossing the the cover at the enemies (and sending the tornado at them along with it). Murders Shibata on the grounds that he no longer had any use for him and that his knowledge of the Ueno Seiwa Hit made him a liability to Katsuragi. He states that he always knew something was off about Sugiuchi despite being seen as a hero by many including himself. He gets betrayed by Kido, who betrays him on Munakata's orders. Later subverted when it turns out he killed himself rather than go through with killing of Tanimura's family. An undercover cop responsible for personally executing at least two unarmed criminals at gunpoint by the end of the game. The underground Fighting Arena; Survival Mode; An all new underground Racing Arena Protagonists. Despite being on the force for over 30 years, he was secretly still a Yakuza when he first joined with the mission to spy and keep tabs on the police. The fifth and final student. Released Mar 18, 2010. As an undercover cop, he naturally completely lacks an Irezumi back tattoo. This is what screws him in the end. Effectively reigns over the Ueno Seiwa Clan as its leader in place of his ailing chairman, Ueno. To Tanimura, made very obvious in their final confrontation. Before his death, he admits that his ambitions as a Yakuza have faded over the years and he feels more pride in his work as a Police Detective. Owner of the Chinese restaurant "Homeland" that Tanimura uses as a hideout and the central figure of Asian Gateway, a group that provides support to illegal immigrants and helps children who have lost their parents. Mishima accidentally overheard Katsuragi's conversation on the subject of Ihara's death being planned and that Mishima was to be killed as well. This despite him being 53 at that point. He killed off all his fellow members of his clan in the staged hit with headshots. He's shot dead by Hisai on Munakata's orders, as part of a move to betray Katsuragi. Yakuza 4 largely follows in the footsteps of its predecessors, weaving a soap opera tale of honor and betrayal with simple but satisfying brawling action. Hard and above seem to be balanced around the assumption that you're on at least your second playthrough, so unless you enjoy frustration, this is probably the place to start. A reason why Katsuragi had him and the rest of his family pegged for death. Giant Bomb users. RELATED: 10 Tips To Make An Overpowered Character In Yakuza: Like A Dragon This offered many unique fighting styles and gameplay mechanics that were unable to be … Chairman of the Tojo Clan's former enemy, the Ueno Seiwa Clan. A corrupt cop called "The Parasite of Kamurocho." Justified, as Katsuragi needed Saejima alive as the fall guy and thus had no intention of killing him. from fantasizing about her in the hot springs and checking her out in air hockey, prospective antagonists trying to take advantage of him into strong allies. While he's certainly strong, a large part of the danger he poses in battle against the likes of. In contrast. Boy, the Japanese are into some weird shit, aren't they? In. Originally, Kiryu was the only star of the show up until Yakuza 4, where multiple playable protagonists were introduced. Fitting, since he was the one ordering Jingu in the first game. He'll always heal himself at least once before going down for good during his boss fight. Turns out he's loyal to Munakata. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/Yakuza4. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Yakuza 4 for PlayStation 3 (PS3). Shun Akiyama. Arai kills him for this reason under Katsuragi's orders. consists of 5 releases. The underground area is also know… An ex-yakuza who infamously gunned down 18 yakuza in a noodle shop, and has spent 25 years in death row. When fought, he uses a lot of kick attacks in the same vein as Akiyama. He commits suicide rather than killing Tanimura's family in Little Asia. He is the oldest and strongest of the four protagonists, and by the game's end, he's brought back into the Tojo Clan and made the boss of the Saejima Family. he doesn't buy the story behind Kiryu's fate. She's shot by Katsuragi, but she manages to shoot him dead before she dies. New playable character number two debuting in Yakuza 4. Let's see. It's later revealed that he's Jingu's co-conspirator, and that the missing 10 billion yen from the first game was meant to be used in Munakata's plans. Only options that deviate from the default configuration to ensure best performance are listed below. A legendary information broker in Kamurocho. To Arai. He follows Munakata's goal to control Japan's criminals and has no problems executing criminals at gunpoint to reach that goal. One of the four main playable characters in Yakuza 4, Tanimura is a Detective; known as the ''Parasite of Kamurocho'' for his actions of extorting companies that use immigrant workers, and his frequent gambling habits. Saejima would have gladly died for his boss, but his actions turned his life into a living hell. When his Heat Aura turns orange, he may hold his hands up to catch Akiyama's next attack and throw him to the ground. Akiyama and Saejima both played roles after Yakuza 4, but Tanimura mysteriously disappeared. Betrays Munakata when he orders Arai to use the orphans of Sunshine Orphanage as leverage against Kiryu. This is demonstrated most effectively when Munakata picks out the numerous flaws in his staged Yoshiharu Ueno hit. "The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan was an unqualified tragedy, and Yahtzee offers his deepest sympathies to a country and people that has long held his admiration and respect. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll The sadistic guard leader of Okinawa Penitentiary No. Yakuza 4/Characters. He fights in a street fighting style. Thankfully Arai doesn't go through with it. However, seeing Tanimura restored some of his faith in the system. send you an email once approved. Shibata was one of the conspirators behind the Ueno Seiwa hit, and for years had exploited this to blackmail Katsuragi into doing favours for him. Collaborates with Munakata until he is betrayed once Katsuragi had outlived his usefulness. Collaborates with Katsuragi to stage the Yoshiharu Ueno hit Saejima pulls, in which 18 Ueno officers died. Sugiuchi is an Ueno Seiwa Clan Yakuza member who infiltrated the Police Department decades ago and has a rude, casual attitude. Second-in-Command of Kanemura Enterprises, a subsidiary group within the Tojo Clan. Later he has his oath-brother Kido turn on Katsuragi for him only to seemingly betray Kido as well. However, he never suspected that he was actually an Ueno Seiwa Yakuza the entire time he was on the force. He's famous for helping those nobody else will, and uses strange tests for applicants in lieu of charging interest or collateral. Max out all characters to level 20. After Hisai's suicide, Tanimura places his and Sugiuchi's badges on a table in Homeland and gives out a silent prayer. Turns out, Ihara was promoted to Captain solely to be sacraficed as part of Katsuragi's power play against the Tojo Clan. Final Drive: An overhead spinning axe kick which launches airborne enemies downwards. So everyone think I'm some kind of pussy. There are multiple codes for some characters, and each one has its own unique skill to bring to the brawl. He prefers the days when yakuza were small-time and helped Japan from the shadows because it didn't have the power to influence the government. Gilded Cage : In 0 , Majima is located in Sotenbori, working as a manager of the Grand, one of the biggest hostess clubs in Osaka, where money flows like a golden river under his management and the respect for him knows no … Supporting Characters. Has the trust of Kido and others due to his honesty and intergrity. A mysterious and beautiful woman who much of the plot revolves around. The first student that Saejima takes on. Persuades Tanimura to spare Munakata's life, so that Munakata could be properly for his crimes in the very prisons he had built. voiced by Rikiya Koyama. He's alive and well after his defeat and highly impressed by the main protagonists, but we it's unclear what happens to him afterwards. Key. For Kazuma Kiryu, Haruka Sawamura and Goro Majima, see their entries on the Character Index page. He fights in a pro wrestling/lucha libre style. He begs him to keep him safe even if it means arresting him. He may have no problem ending the lives of miscreants or stealing countless billions from the civilian Akiyama to fulfill his ambitions of justice, but he refuses to endanger innocent civilians, especially children, pushing him to turn on the ultimately more reprehensible Munakata. Taiga gave up his dream of being a schoolteacher and fought thugs on the streets to get the money. He accepts his loss against Akiyama rather well as detailed below. Akiyama Shun. Apparently, he's been allied with Daigo at the very least prior to telling Arai about the one hundred billion dollar yen in Akiyama's vault, all to fuel his, After all the last remaining major antagonists have been dealt with including him, he remarks upon how the four protagonists of. Despite being the major bad guy for the first three quarters of the game, you never get to fight him. He is keen to stop Yakuza gang warfare escalating amidst confusion over a recent murder. There's a chance he got arrested along with Arai for his involvement in the unsavory schemes of all of the antagonists as well as personally stealing 100 billion yen from Akiyama. Comes a point where acknowledging cultural difference doesn't cut it any more and you have to say "What the fuck, guys?" Kazuma Kiryu. Some little shit. Had he continued to follow Munakata's plans, he would have become the Tojo Clan's Captain while secretly acting as Munakata's Liaison.

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