who owns undersea cables

With state backing and investment, tech giants could control and sell more information, and they could even persuade governments since they own the cables that deliver their secrets. The operation takes years; authorities need to map the safest route, damage-proof the cables, dig the trenches, and lay down the cables. These issues need to be brought up again in order to update the international conventions of the sea. All this is done through the collaboration of private investors, tech companies, and governments. Submarine Cable Map data, TeleGeography, 2019. I am worried about how much power tech companies can have now. States are subject to the international treaties they signed, but private companies’ hands are not as bound. Internet cables are protected as though they contain gold, and to some extent, they do. Over 750 miles of undersea cables anchored to the sea floor connect the world. In this context, physical ownership of undersea infrastructure to mitigate the risk of surveillance is emerging as an investment motivation. It was laid between Gallanach Bay, near Oban, and Clarenville, Newfoundland between 1955 and 1956 by the cable ship Monarch. In the 1990s, undersea cables began to attract investment from private companies, who saw the potential to make a profit by selling capacity to telecom companies and private companies alike. Working our way from the outside in, South Africa is connected to the rest of the world by four undersea fibre optic cable systems. See Mozilla Community Participation guidelines: [English | Español | Deutsch | Français]. The first submarine communications cables laid beginning in the 1850s carried telegraphy traffic, establishing the first instant telecommunications links between continents, such as the first transatlantic telegraph cable which became operational on 16 August 1858. Well, from another perspective, if tech is not ahead of time. Website Design: Camille Point & Alec Regino. Tapping undersea cables for espionage is not a new idea. With tech giants taking over, international and local laws need to be updated to ensure that the sovereignty of the different states the cables cross is protected. Built in 1995 by Kvaerner Masa of Finland, it is 145 meters in length (476 ft), with a breath of 24 meters (78 ft) and a depth of 8.5 meters (28 ft). Content Delivery Summit May 25 - May 25, 2021 Set up a meeting. During the height of the Cold War, the USSR … Projects are backed by governments or state-owned companies, and resources are poured into the process of laying down the cables; hundreds of millions of dollars and the most advanced tools and materials all dedicated to building the backbone of the modern world. Hawaii’s internet relies on three undersea cables. This, of course, begs the questions: who owns them? Cables were traditionally owned by telecom carriers who would form a consortium of all parties interested in using the cable. Andy Bax @ PTC’21: Submarine Cables – Competition or Cooperation Feb 18, 2021 | In The Press. While they still need permits to lay down the cables, the information they collect can be considered property of the owner. Troops were sent down to the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk in Soviet territorial waters to find a five-inch diameter cable that carried communications between military bases. Google holds partial ownership of 8.5% of submarine cables worldwide. Tech giants and government-backed data businesses are gaining more and more control over the internet, so they need pressure from other states to keep them in check. However, they still must comply with international laws and treaties regarding marine territory. Upcoming conferences. The surveillance programme, called Tempora, was carried out with the cooperation of the owners of these cables. This is a moderated comment space. Currently, Google alone owns six active submarine cables, and plans to have eight more ready within two years. It begs the question: are sections of these cables subject to the local laws of the territories they cross? Example Trans-Atlantic cable route seabed profile Who owns these cables? Undersea Espionage: Who Owns Underwater Internet Cables? Possession of the South China Sea could mean the control over the data that flows between surrounding countries. They should be separate companies handling these tasks. As they continue to take control over the various islands in the area, they will be able to lay down their own network cables away from the eyes of the international community. Currently, Google alone owns six active submarine cables, and plans to have eight more ready within two years. How Bude: Google's sole-financed private undersea pipe to make a landing in Cornwall | AmigoData, سرمایه‌گذاران جدید برای کابل‌های اینترنت زیر دریا – میدان, owned or leased more than half of the undersea bandwidth in 2018, 95 percent of the internet’s data and voice traffic, Internet Economics is a Thing and we Need to Take Note, Internet Drift: How the Internet is Likely to Splinter and Fracture, ‘People think that data is in the cloud, but it’s not. If current regulations are not updated, tech companies have the potential to gain a monopoly over our data, and governments may find it more and more difficult to control their behaviour. UNCLOS awards states the right to lay down internet cables, and this extends to their residents. World powers like the U.S., China and Russia have clashed over control of these cables. Map made with Natural Earth. and the America and Canada! Although you might first think of satellites and cell towers, before the data reaches your phone or router, it often travels beneath oceans: through a massive, global network of undersea fibre optic cables. Fast Facts: Google owns major shares of 63,605 miles of submarine cables. Ultra high-bandwidth undersea cables are the main data trunks that cover these gaps, but we’re also starting to see a new generation of satellite systems, such as StarLink, that can form a wireless internet web in the sky. She specializes in Asia Pacific politics, and she is very interested in immigration policies, cybersecurity, and legislative procedures. That is pretty scary because we know that Google is manipulating searches and censoring information. This global submarine cable network is growing, bringing the opportunity of high speed internet to more people, including in remote island nations. The danger with China’s case, however, is the way they are attempting to circumvent international regulations and norms. At a time when there is already significant concern about the consolidation of power by the biggest technology companies in multiple realms, and telcos are merging with traditional media companies, it raises questions about who (literally) controls the internet, and how we wish to see it develop in the future.” […], […] نقشه آنلاین و دیدن جزییات کشورها و کابل‌ها می‌توانید اینجا را […]. TeleGeography’s free interactive Submarine Cable Map is based on our authoritative Global Bandwidth research, and depicts active and planned submarine cable systems and their landing stations. calls and 119 from London to Canada. Back in the 1970s, submarines were sent on missions like Operation Ivy Bells. Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed PRISM to the public: a program wherein the U.S. government collected user data from various internet companies, and they could do so without a warrant. Because they now make up the greater part of undersea cable traffic, internet companies are beginning to finance and construct their own undersea cables. The plan is to connect Scandinavia with Japan via … Historically, these submarine cables have been built by telecom carriers, who form consortia to finance the construction of a cable. Cables were traditionally owned by telecom carriers who would form a consortium of all parties interested in using the cable. But who is building this network? An anonymous reader writes "Singapore and South Korea are playing key roles helping the United States and Australia tap undersea telecommunications links across Asia, according to top secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden.Indonesia and Malaysia have been key targets for Australian and Singaporean intelligence collaboration since much of Indonesia's telecommunications and Internet … These cables run through international territory, muddying the question of ownership. Explained: US, China's undersea battle for control of global internet grid Chinese company Huawei is embedding itself into cable systems that ferry nearly all of the world's internet data. TeleGeography's Submarine Cable Map, pictured, was updated for 2014 and features a total of 285 cable networks. African Undersea Cables Map 2014, from Many Possibilities. A submarine communications cable is a cable laid on the sea bed between land-based stations to carry telecommunication signals across stretches of ocean and sea. China, however, is simply taking a page from American books. However, since cable ownership cannot be determined easily by flying a flag, it’s difficult to hold a single company accountable. In the late 1990s, an influx of entrepreneurial companies built lots of private cables and sold off the capacity to users. They installed a 20-foot long listening device on the cable to record Soviet messages. At a time when there is already significant concern about the consolidation of power by the biggest technology companies in multiple realms, and telcos are merging with traditional media companies, it raises questions about who (literally) controls the internet, and how we wish to see it develop in the future. When the same companies own the online platforms and the infrastructure to access them, we have to consider whether the incentives and agreements for sharing access to cables thus far will still make sense. Sign up to receive emails about the Internet Health Report and Mozilla. It’s a new development for online platforms to also be the owners (or co-owners) of the delivery infrastructure. Subsequent generations of cables carried telephone traffic, then Google is building a huge undersea fiber-optic cable to connect the U.S. to Britain and Spain Published Tue, Jul 28 2020 3:06 AM EDT Updated Tue, Jul … Not only are they routinely inspected for external damage from dropped anchors, earthquakes, or even shark bites, but they are also patrolled by their owners to deter any information tapping from foreign governments. An equally significant driver of investment in undersea cables today are concerns regarding cybersecurity. Article 112 stipulates that the freedom to lay down cables must be subject to the rights of other states to do the same. The TEAMS (Kenya) Ltd holding breaks down as follows: 32.5% – Safaricom Ltd 23% – Orange Kenya Ltd While ownership of the cables themselves vary from company to company (state-owned or private), tech giants like Facebook and Google are quickly taking over the seas. The Snowden revelations in 2014 exposed the extent of government surveillance of internet infrastructure, including fibre optic cables. All this investment is worth it, for they will give access to information abroad and the potential to control the flow of data. Who owns these cables? The cable itself will be copper lined ... sediment. In fact, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft owned or leased more than half of the undersea bandwidth in 2018. For instance, Google currently owns the entirety of the Curie cable, which runs from Chile to Los Angeles. They are also building more cell towers, which doesn't make sense if the satellites work so good? There are only a few companies that own the cables, so there aren’t many choices if one needs to use the internet. According to Article 87 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), states have the freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines in international waters, and only areas that cross into sovereign territory (the Exclusive Economic Zone [EEZ] or continental shelf) are subject to restrictions. So companies like Facebook and Google began to build global networks of data centers. An eye-opener on what the internet actually is. A member of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday called for new scrutiny of undersea cables that transmit nearly all the world's internet data traffic. To reduce inadvertent damage, the undersea cable industry also spends a lot of time educating other marine industries on the location of cables. The rapid uptake of cloud computing, connected devices, streaming and countless other services many of us now take for granted — combined with users’ expectation that it all works quickly and smoothly — put major pressure on service providers. Effectively, this meant GCHQ was able to extract massive amounts of personal data generated from the internet traffic passing through these underwater cables. Their goals to expand their 5G networks, headed by Huawei, will give the Chinese government even more control over the information that flows into and out of the country. The Huawei Marine Networks has already begun to lay down 100 submarine cables across the world, and it completed a 4,000-mile cable last year that runs from Brazil to Cameroon. How possible the earth can hold more people and offer enough resources for everyone? Once in the sovereign state’s territorial sea (12 nautical miles from the coast), companies who piloted the project are required to possess various permits, licenses, and environmental agreements according to local laws and international treaties before operating within the country. There’s even ongoing research on new ways of transmitting data across vast distances using quantum physics. For example, Google could restrict access to information vital for national security interests if governments refuse to give them more tax exemptions. […] The 2019 Mozilla Internet Health Report notes, though: “It’s a new development for online platforms to also be the owners (or co-owners) of the delivery infrastructure. China Unicom, the company that owns the cable, was able to win the bidding because of the subsidies they received from the government. These undersea cables (submarine cables) embedded with fibre-optics offers uninterrupted connectivity through a network of different cables at landing stations, which then extend to the internet lines that we get at home or through network infrastructure that connects our smartphones. All this considered, China’s presence in the South China Sea is even more intimidating. ITW Jun 21 - … In her spare time, she is happily sipping tea while caring for her many houseplants. The tap was eventually discovered, and that specific mission had been compromised. Partnerships or deals with these companies can easily give governments access to the information that flows through the cables, giving Facebook and Google even more leverage than they already have. A monopoly on the network can give China the intelligence and leverage necessary to control such regions. Given that 95 percent of the internet’s data and voice traffic travels between continents underwater, the corporate and political powers that influence and control the infrastructure can have significant global social and security implications. It’s in the ocean’, New York Times, 2019. Perhaps the most plausible of the Arctic projects is backed by the Finnish government-owned company Cinia Group Oy. Google will be the sole owner of 10,433 miles of submarine cables when the Curie cable is completed in 2019. the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, Their goals to expand their 5G networks, headed by Huawei. I always thought it was satellites that moved the data around. Undersea cables are built between locations that have something “important to communicate.” Europe, Asia, and Latin America all have large amounts of data to send and receive from North America. They would technically be operating within their rights even though their operations would affect all of the Southeast Asian countries. “The cloud” exists deep under the sea. Of this 285, 263 are currently in … Today, the investment landscape in undersea cables is shifting yet again. Individual consumers of the internet may not have the power to fight this control themselves. Underwater cables are the invisible force driving the modern internet, with many in recent years being funded by internet giants such as Facebook, … With so many aspects of our societies and economies relying on the internet — and the undersea cables that power it — we can and should demand that the public has a say in the regulation of this critical infrastructure. To connect those data centers, they not only invest in existing cables, but also increasingly build their own cables to ensure that their services are quickly and readily available anywhere in the world. Edited by Shirley Wang and Christopher Ciafro. Therefore, international bodies cannot interfere with their desire to lay down new internet cables. Google holds sole ownership of 1.4% of submarine cables worldwide. It’s a unique position they currently occupy: the cables are privately-owned but are allowed to traverse sovereign territory. I wish we could go back in time. By annexing islands in the South China Sea, they can claim that it is within their sovereign territory. Yes, the cables are owned by the various PTT or Transit carriers who would be utilizing (tapping) into the cable system. Tapping the cables will no longer be necessary for espionage if the state owns the whole thing. To before all this hyper connectivity. SPIES LOVE UNDERWATER CABLES. Virtual Capacity Latam Apr 27 - Apr 29, 2021 Set up a meeting. But when it comes to undersea connections, it's often unclear who owns, uses and oversees which lines and how these are subject to control by outside players. This network of submarine cables transports petabytes of information around the world on a daily basis, in a manner that is invisible to most users — a huge technical feat. Over 95% of precious data flows through those fibres every day—including government correspondence, user profiles, and banking information. For videos to play and links to open milliseconds after a click, with minimal latency, content needs to be cached as close as possible to users. Not bound to any one territory, who has the right to control these cables? China Unicom, the company that owns the cable, was able to win the bidding because of the subsidies they received from the government. I didn't know Google had that many cables and plans to add more, but it makes sense. Accompanied by its economic influence over the area, China will reinforce its position as hegemon of the continent with their increasing control over data. Why there is a reason that we believe future will be better? The speed of their growth too far ahead of most Government's ability to control them or even understand them. These cables cross seas and oceans, traversing international waters and national boundaries. It can get to the point where a few wrong decisions end up affecting the lives of billions of people around the world. Huawei’s 5G networks would spread across the region, so it will be more and more difficult to use non-Chinese servers. Historically, undersea cables were paid for by telecom consortiums. Such operations could still be ongoing beneath the ocean without us knowing. Originally Answered: Do private telecommunications companies own the undersea cables that connect the internet across continents? By 2020, both companies will own about 29% of the cables that run throughout the world; they even own a couple of whole cables from end-to-end. In fact, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft owned or leased more than half of the undersea bandwidth in 2018. I am not sure there are satellites like we have been told? 85 per cent of the cable is owned by TEAMs (Kenya) Ltd and the rest by Etisalaat of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). FCC commissioner calls for new scrutiny of undersea data cables ... "The concerns aren’t just about the landing sites of the cables but who owns and operates them," Starks added. We will remove comments that are offensive or completely off topic. Still, the rapid expansion of the submarine cable network in the last decade was largely fueled by the meteoric increase in demand for internet services. Facebook is doing it's own censorship. Corporate Complexities Cape Town – Repairs to the undersea cables that failed and left parts of the continent with slow internet are estimated to be completed by next week. Private companies will argue that they’re private property and thus subject to solely the company’s control. I have known about the underwater cables. This gives private companies significant leverage over governments. Violations of international regulations and norms—flooding the market, environmentally damaging practices, and manipulation of their currency—will become harder to sanction, especially if the Chinese have enough dirt on other nations. The Submarine Cable Map, TeleGeography, 2019, Internet Economics is a Thing and we Need to Take Note, Geoff Huston, 2018, Internet Drift: How the Internet is Likely to Splinter and Fracture, Steve Song, 2018, ‘People think that data is in the cloud, but it’s not. But in this era, more so than any other, knowledge is power. This is the CS Cable Innovator, it is specifically designed for laying fiber optic cable and is the largest of its kind in the world [ source ]. The infamous Great Firewall can be expanded and improved further if the state has complete control over the internet cables that source internet traffic. In the first 24 hours of public service, there were 588 London–U.S. Historically, cables have been owned by groups of private companies — mostly telecom providers — but 2016 saw the start of a massive submarine cable boom, and … It was inaugurated on September 25, 1956, initially carrying 36 telephone channels. Information is precious to us all, so we ought to take steps to protect it, whether it be from foreign government control or a shark lying in wait. Ultimately, those who own these cables will be able to control and monitor the information that passes through them. Our classification begins with (and largely deals with) the big four companies that are investing in new undersea cables: Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. who owns undersea cables, ... markets in New Jersey. Helena is in U3 studying Political Science, Economics, and French. telcos are merging with traditional media companies, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The McGill International Review - Canada's premier undergraduate journal of international affairs. ... About 380 active submarine cables—bundles of fiber-optic lines that travel oceans on the seabed—carry about 95% of intercontinental voice and data However, with tech giants quickly gaining control of more and more cables, there could be a new way to spy on other countries. It’s in the ocean’, online platforms to also be the owners (or co-owners) of the delivery infrastructure, consolidation of power by the biggest technology companies. I remeber life being a whole lot better then, […] on the articles “The new investors in underwater sea cables”, “Understand the issue” on privacy and security, and “Your mobile apps are tracking […], Yes the people need to have a say in it’s regulations. Just one question, if satellites are so great, why is Google going underwater? Global superpowers know that intelligence is the key to control, so they have been working with telecommunication companies for years, whether it be through under-the-table deals or direct partnerships. Undersea cables have typically been owned by telecommunications providers, although 2016 saw a shift in ownership as large tech companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft all sought to get their hands on these undersea cables. On Oct. 28, the cable between Honolulu and Kauai owned by Hawaiian Tel and Centurylink failed. If the cables are put down by large corporations then they can choose who has access to what and they can give quicker access/easier access to the things they want to push. This is the kind of stuff that asks for breaking up these companies. Deep below the sea rest the veins of modern life: internet cables. UNCLOS may protect states’ rights to lay down the cables and their sovereignty once a foreign wire is in their territory, but specific agreements on how private companies should behave are yet to be clarified. We need more cables between Asia (the P.R.C.) The Huawei Marine Networks has already begun to lay down 100 submarine cables across the world, and it completed a 4,000-mile cable last year that runs from Brazil to Cameroon. Need permits to lay down the cables, the investment landscape in undersea cables today are concerns regarding.. The tap was eventually discovered, and plans to add more, but private companies ’ hands are as. Knowledge is power had been compromised co-owners ) of the owners of these subject... Espionage is not a new idea most government 's ability to control the flow of.! In 2019 is pretty scary because we know that Google is manipulating searches and censoring information is within their even! 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