masters of scale airbnb

So Joe and I, we’d show up at their door and they’re like, “Wow. It’s actually kind of crazy logistically, but this is the kind of stuff that creates great experience. 1 of “Masters of Scale” podcast. That's what Brian Chesky did. Likes Comments Share. And Patrick paid close attention to his users. And don't stop until you know exactly what they want. What’s a nonperishable breakfast? Masters of Scale Online Media New York, New York 10,204 followers Learn how companies grow from zero to a gazillion, in this original podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman. You wouldn’t build a skyscraper before you’ve build a solid foundation. For example, at LinkedIn, we had one group of users who invented a name for themselves. Cereal. If they never show up and you’re pissed and you need to get your money back, that’s a one-star experience. I was like, “Oh my God. Masters of Scale is an original podcast hosted by LinkedIn Co-Founder and Greylock Partner Reid Hoffman showing how companies grow from zero to a gazillion. OK. I’m going to try satellite launches. CHESKY: If you want to build something that’s truly viral, you have to create a total mindfuck experience that you tell everyone about. So Joe and I would photograph homes until it was painful, then we get other photographers. Nancy Lublin is the founder and former CEO of, I’ve seen this handcrafting story play out over and over again with entrepreneurs. 41 min MAR 16. So for anyone who’s worried their company doesn’t have enough traction, that was our traction. BONUS: The 10 Commandments of Startup Success with Guest Host Tim Ferriss. Reid Hoffman is the host of Masters of Scale. It worked. They wanted to improve the experience, whether they were “responsible” for it or not. This company is pretty small.”. SIRI: Y Combinator is a start-up incubator that cultivates and invests in early-stage companies. Now this may sound like odd advice if you’re an entrepreneur with global ambitions. Was there a particular experience that really stuck in your mind? I guess it worked. Nancy stockpiled sweaters on her bed and jewelry in her refrigerator. You can change the product entirely in a week. The organization will start having antibodies against new handcrafted things. He built a great product, and the users just poured in. HOFFMAN: So they come up with an offer that hosts couldn’t refuse. 24.7k Followers, 1,285 Following, 747 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Masters of Scale (@mastersofscale) And we thought, what would a Barack Obama-themed breakfast cereal be called? The creation of the peer-review system, customer support, all these things came from us literally—we didn’t just meet our users, we lived with them. And I used to joke that when you bought an iPhone, Steve Jobs didn’t come sleep on your couch, but I did. There’s no management, there’s no company meetings, and there’s no communication so no one knows anything, literally nothing. But if you go through the crazy exercise of keep going, there’s some sweet spot between “they showed up and they opened the door” and “I went to space.” That’s the sweet spot. And I want to dispel any illusions that you can switch from one to the other with ease. When we did that, we realized there was this two-hour movie and only 20 minutes were in the home. Airbnb is my absolute design hero. What can we do, not to make this better, but to make you tell everyone about it?” And that answer is different. I would go through each one giving feedback if they needed to be retouched. Suddenly, doesn’t knowing my preferences and having a surfboard in the house seem not crazy but reasonable? They may celebrate the day they could hire a helping hand or automate these chores out of existence. The whole thing is automated now. I don’t even know how we ran the company. Then we had to go to the next step, which was: We are just this little company in our apartment, but as far as the world’s concerned, we have a giant office building and we better be grownups. You’d say, “Wow, I love this more than a hotel. You think you’ve completed the board game, and then you have the next level and all of a sudden the dragons get really big. You would show them around. If you want your company to truly scale, you first have to do things that Hey, this is Brian, Joe, we’re founders and we just want to meet you.”. Multitasking was the name of the game. REID: That’s Ellie Thiele. Dream big. A lot of people who are very busy, who have access to resources, who have some celebrity status—do not want that. 2018-07-11 38:58. For us the orthogonal industry for travel was cinema. Airbnb's Brian Chesky in "Handcrafted" — Ep. Nancy Lublin, for instance, scrappily launched an international nonprofit from her New York City apartment. The Harvard Business School cases, combined with Masters of Scale episodes, represent a greatest hits of the leading companies of our time — from headline-grabbing superstars like Airbnb, Alibaba, Uber and Netflix to proven and durable compounders of scale and growth like the legendary Barry Diller. We said, “Ricardo, we want to create the perfect trip to San Francisco for you.” We fly him back. CHESKY: I tell a lot of entrepreneurs who don’t have traction, I miss those times. Executive producers Deron Triff and June Cohen approached Hoffman with the idea for the podcast, pitching it as a way of "sharing his ideas on scale in a way that could, well, scale." Masters of scale is the first American media program to commit to a 50-50 gender balance for guests. It would take hours to upload. Details. Then they met the demand through a piecemeal process. Reid Hoffman is the host of Masters of Scale. That’s a six-star experience. So we had to build 24/7 support, had to have more secure payment instruments, we had to add a trust and safety team, we had to verify people’s identity. The organization needs a simple plan with very few errors and very little improvisation. Airbnb wants to become the Obi-Wan Kenobi/Yoda to your Luke Skywalker—minus the whole getting cut in half by a lightsaber thing. LINKEDIN        FACEBOOK        TWITTER        INSTAGRAM, © 2021 Wait What Inc., All Rights Reserved – It’s a different skill set. I’ll try to prove that theory through stories from some of the smartest entrepreneurs I know. He’s a partner at Greylock Partners and Co-Founder of LinkedIn. It’s a principle he first absorbed in design school. Thank you for listening. 173 Episodes. And don't stop until you know exactly what they want. With original, cinematic music and hilariously honest stories, Masters of Scale is a business podcast that doesn’t sound like … HOFFMAN: That’s $40,000. Post navigation ‘If Everyone Hates Object-Oriented Programming, Why Is It Still So Widely Spread?’ When is My Choice My Own? “Welcome. On the table would be a welcome gift. CHESKY: We literally commuted to New York from Mountain View. It worked.”, So we thought, “What would a six-star experience be?” A six-star experience: You knock on the door, the host opens. Airbnb is my absolute design hero. 24.7k Followers, 1,285 Following, 747 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Masters of Scale (@mastersofscale) CHESKY: Eventually a system does everything. Get your hands dirty. It’s going to be an amazing experience. The Masters of Scale Courses app is a guided learning experience that teaches you the key truths and techniques to successfully scale, in a format you can move through at your own convenience. CHESKY: We became an international company. We sold them for $40 a box. They may laugh about it later. He wants to scale the perfect trip. Handcraft the core experience. That’s a one star. Get to know them. On each episode, host Reid Hoffman — LinkedIn cofounder, Greylock partner and legendary Silicon Valley investor — proves an unconventional theory about how businesses scale, while his guests share the story of how I built this company. We walk up to the apartment and we went there to photograph the home. HOFFMAN: Brian and his co-founders followed his advice to the letter. So after putting a planned IPO on hold, he and his team started planning Airbnb's "illogical rebound." Masters of Scale - Week Ten ... Take Advice From the Founders of LinkedIn, Airbnb and More. REID HOFFMAN: That entrepreneur in need of a lifeline? Handcraft the core experience. Then in summer 2011, a woman’s home got trashed. “In order to scale, you have to do things that don’t scale.” — Reid Hoffman. He settled on a service with the appropriate level of magic, and started building it. Cameo appearances: Patrick Collison (Stripe), Masters of Scale - Airbnb's Brian Chesky in Handcrafted. He’d stay in a budget hotel. Reid Hoffman opens. I literally had to hot-glue 1,000 boxes of cereal. I’d argue that painstaking, handcrafted labor is actually the foundation of his success. Watch later. That’s it. CHESKY: I was doing medical design once. But what is the perfect trip? The whole thing is great. Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman By WaitWhat . It won’t operationalize. They don’t open. We realized at that point, we need to be the end-to-end business of travel. Serve your customers one-by-one. It’s intoxicating. Try doing that at LinkedIn or Airbnb today. We took him to the perfect Airbnb, there are all the services. She was previously the founder of Dress for Success and CEO of Do Something Inc. “What would a 10-star check-in be? HOFFMAN: [laughs] Yes. It gets you out of the gravity well. THIELE: And we kind of looked at this and we said, OK what is the easiest thing that we can automate. This clip we’re going to hear starts with Brian recalling a conversation he had in 2009 with Paul Graham, the founder of Y Combinator, who gave him some perplexing advice…. And don't stop until you know exactly what they want. By the way, here’s my car. Her organization, Now this is the narrative of every movie you’ve ever seen. Related Post. At one point in the middle of the night I remember thinking, I wonder if when Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook he had to hot-glue breakfast cereal. There was this crazy magical world. CHESKY: We have this website and maybe 50 people a day are visiting it and we’re probably getting like 10 to 20 bookings a day. You start with a few. If you want your company to truly scale, you first have to do things that don't scale. He serves on the boards of Airbnb, Convoy, Edmodo and Microsoft. He’d show up, he’d go to Alcatraz by himself, put on the headset, and then he’d go to Bubba Gump Shrimp. HOFFMAN: Note how they gradually worked out a solution. Before Airbnb had hosted more than 150 million guests in 65,000 cities it understood a simple idea: To scale, you need to do things that don’t scale.. And act small. On the first episode of Masters of Scale, Brian took Reid back to his lean years — when he went door-to-door, meeting Airbnb hosts in person. ... Greylock partner and legendary Silicon Valley investor — proves an unconventional theory about how businesses scale, while his guests share the story of how I built this company. It’s essential to get this kind of feedback early, while you’re still defining the product. The first few episodes of Masters of Scale are now online: Episode 1: “In order to scale you have to do things that don’t scale.” With Brian Chesky from Airbnb. By admin. “It's really hard to get even 10 people to love anything. HOFFMAN: And Brian might have stayed in the stratosphere, if not for a fateful meeting with Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator. HOFFMAN: But which part of the perfect experience do you scale? Masters of Scale is a podcast series hosted by Reid Hoffman, Co-founder of LinkedIn. And don't stop until you know exactly what they want. And this is a theme that comes up again and again with the founders on Masters of Scale. Get your hands dirty. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky knows: If you want your company to truly scale, you have to do things that DON'T scale. A special Rapid Response. If you’re only doing A/B tests, you’re never designing with empathy. We had him storyboard the perfect Airbnb experience. Brian graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design, where he learned how to “design with empathy” for his customers. If you want your company to truly scale, you first have to do things that don't scale. Masters of Scale The series unfolds like a music-infused detective story as Hoffman tests his theories with famous founders, including Reed Hastings (Netflix), Sara Blakely (Spanx), Dara Khosrowshahi (Uber), Brian Chesky (Airbnb), Stacy Brown-Philpot (TaskRabbit) and many more. So a five-star experience is you knock on the door, they open the door, they let you in. If I want to make something amazing, I just spend time with you. Hiring the right people can make or break a company. They approached the entire Airbnb experience with that design mindset, not just the Airbnb website. We’re regulated at the city level and every city is different. SIRI: Kayak is an online travel service that finds the lowest available rates across different websites. Pay passionate attention to your users. What are the essential ingredients that make a vacation truly memorable? Patrick Collison is the co-founder and CEO of Stripe, the online payments company used by over 100,000 companies. He’s the founding CEO of. “In order to scale, you have to do things that don’t scale.” — Reid Hoffman. Shameless plug alert! HOFFMAN: Notice here how quickly Brian switches back to the analytical mind-set. We built a system where now the host comes, they press a button, it alerts our system, which goes to a dispatch of photographers, so it’s all managed through technology. You’re going to have different kinds of users giving you feedback—and some of it will take you in the wrong direction. Stalled? They leave their ordinary world. "In order to scale, you have to do things that don't scale." There was all this leading up to the home, getting to the airport, going around, going to dinner, or hanging out with friends out and about. HOFFMAN: But how far do you go toward the 11-star experience? We applied this to trips, built a small team and we spent the last couple of years figuring out how to scale this, and this has led to what we have today which we call Airbnb Trips. She still works at Airbnb. It won’t fit within our process.”. Masters of Scale is an original podcast hosted by LinedIn Co-Founder and Greylock Partner Reid Hoffman showing how companies grow from zero to a gazillion.The series unfolds like a music-infused detective story as Hoffman tests his theories with famous founders. I have been wracking my brain trying to decide which episode of Reid Hoffman’s Masters of Scale has been my favorite so far. By the way, we’ve been working for a year and a half. In order to scale, you have to first do things that don’t scale at all. How could it survive a pandemic that stopped their core business cold? He’s the founding CEO of Stripe, an online payments company. Share. 00:41:56 - Headlines last April predicted death for Airbnb. Now this is the narrative of every movie you’ve ever seen. HOFFMAN: It’s essential to seek out and listen to user feedback. CHESKY: When you first go to a city, you need a welcome event within the first 24 or 48 hours where you’re around people. So I think taking advantage of that subscale, designing the perfect experience, asking yourself what you can do, is amazing. They cross the threshold to a new, magical world where all these obstacles happen and they overcome something. We’ll skip ahead to the ten-star experience. They didn’t guess at what users wanted. The “10 Commandments” in this episode are drawn from the entire first season of Masters of Scale, one of my favorite podcasts, also hosted by Reid. In fact, it requires two opposing mindsets. Airbnb's Brian Chesky: "We died and were reborn." But they also talk about the human journey — with all its failures and setbacks. HOFFMAN: It is typical to get very detailed feedback from some of your early users. Was it Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg delving into … Headlines last April predicted death for Airbnb. They call it the hero’s journey. FERRISS: Airbnb’s Brian Chesky personally interviewed the company’s first 500 employees. Then we got an intern. He was from London. Take my friend Patrick Collison. I’d get to the front yard of your house and there’d be a press conference for me, and it would be just a mindfuck experience. But they also talk about the human journey — with all its failures and setbacks. As the business cratered (in 8 weeks, they lost 80% of revenue), CEO Brian Chesky realized: It was a moment to step back, rethink and do more than anyone expected. That would be a huge disaster. We basically took one part of our product and we extrapolated: what would a five-star experience be? CHESKY: I remember we met with a couple hosts. Not bad for pocket change. “I felt like I was captain of a ship and a torpedo hit the side,” says CEO Brian Chesky. Eight years ago? Get your hands dirty. Win them over, one by one. He ends up creating a product roadmap for us, we should have this, this, this, this, and this, and we’re like, “Oh my god, this is our roadmap because he’s the customer.” I think that always stuck in our mind. I hope you enjoy the series! We said we are confident on an unscalable basis that we know how to create a trip that deeply moved somebody, that’s better than anything they’ve ever experienced. Get your customers one by one.”, And I said, “But that won’t scale. Sixty riders go on it and nobody but the leader knows where it will end up. Masters of Scale is an original podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and investor at Greylock. You knock on the door. First I need to get the rocket launched, and I need to have a business model for that first rocket, and that looks like satellites. It’s snowing outside and we’re in snow boots. Handcraft the core experience. How could it survive a pandemic that stopped their core business cold? BRIAN CHESKY: Joe and I are broke. But as Brian will tell you, he misses the handcrafted work. By admin Oct 13, 2020. And one passionate user can turn into many, if you listen to them carefully. No one told me I had to hot-glue breakfast cereal, and they should call it burn glue because every time you get it on you, you burn you. CHESKY: The designing of experience is a different part of your brain than the scaling your experience. How could it survive a pandemic that stopped their core business cold? Handcraft the core service for them. Comments In Channel. Brian Chesky is co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, the leading marketplace for home rentals with three million listings worldwide. HOFFMAN: Notice how quickly Brian turns his attention to a single traveler. You know those binders that you put baseball cards in? COLLISON: There was someone at Stripe who did exactly the same thing. It’s how they learned what people loved. Nancy Lublin, for instance, scrappily launched an international nonprofit from her New York City apartment. I know it’s really hard. ‎Show Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman, Ep Rapid Response: Airbnb’s Brian Chesky: "Crisis is pushing us back to our roots" - 13 Apr 2020 ‎As the pandemic hit, Airbnb was preparing for an IPO. You might say, “I used Airbnb. User feedback ensures you won’t build a dozen floors on an unstable swamp. These were among the revelations Chesky made to journalist Bob Safian during a Masters of Scale podcast Monday about what it was like behind the scenes at Airbnb during the beginning of the outbreak. It’s like a video game. Handcraft the core experience. BONUS: Uncut Interview w/ Airbnb's Brian Chesky. Play Episode. By day two or three you need to have a challenge out of your comfort zone. A main character starts in an ordinary world. Barack Obama was running against John McCain. Or a castle. But let’s be clear: The transition from the handcrafted phase to the massive scale phase is a challenging one. And soon she was inviting volunteers into her apartment for informal training sessions. Paul tends to stump people with deceptively simple questions. There’s a surfboard waiting for you. As CEO of Airbnb, Brian’s early work was more akin to a traveling salesman. And then the lawsuits come in and you have to really sort it out. He serves on the boards of Airbnb, Convoy and Microsoft. Do you have any other feedback?”. We took him on this midnight mystery bike tour. Any little thing that changed was quite a shift in what I had been doing—but for the better. 03.16.2021 - By Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman The most innovative leaps you’ll ever make, especially if you’re a network, are going to be when you’re really, really small. That became a blueprint. An election year in the United States. Here is his systematic breakdown of the perfect trip. They built everything by hand. So the handcrafted phase tends to be more like writing: It’s a more inventive and creative process. There’s this best restaurant in the city of San Francisco. If you do not leave your comfort zone, you do not remember the trip. This week on Masters of Scale Red Hoffman sits down with Airbnb's Brian Chesky. Get in. We had a driver pick him up at the airport. He’d go to a hotel bar by himself, sitting with a bunch of dudes at the bar, but he doesn’t talk to anyone because he was introverted. You knock on the door. A special Rapid Response. What else?” “I want to know where they work, where they went to school.” “OK.” So you add that stuff. Episode 2: “Always raise more money than you think you need.” With Mariam Naficy of Minted. Mashauri masters of scale. Below is the Masters of Scale podcast featuring Chesky. She’s the intern who managed those spreadsheets. ... Reid Hoffman reveals the most important insight he learned on his “Masters of Scale… Real-time wisdom from business leaders in fast-changing situations — covering the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Airbnb responded quickly, announcing that they'd override host rules and allow for guest cancellations. Maybe breakfast will.” So we thought, what if we could sell breakfast? If we’re huge and we have millions of customers, we can’t meet every customer.”, And he said, “That’s exactly why you should do it now, because this is the only time you’ll ever be small enough that you can meet all your customers, get to know them, and make something directly for them.”. Hardwood floors in bedrooms and living/dining area, ceramic tile in kitchen, and carpet in family room. Or a cabin. A special Rapid Response. You’ve got this.” I just killed them with kindness. That's what Brian Chesky did. COLLISON: We know each other a little bit. A special Rapid Response - 16 Mar 2021 Listen to this episode from Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman on Spotify. The designing of experience is a more intuition-based human, empathetic, end-to-end experience. So after putting a planned IPO on hold, he and his team started planning Airbnb's "illogical rebound." The reason that scaled companies have a hard time with this handcrafted process is all in the list of objections about why this won’t work, why this shouldn’t be integrated as part of the company. CHESKY: Joe and I look at each other and we said, “We’re Air Bed and Breakfast. COLLISON: It sure did not feel glamorous—tapping away on my laptop for half an hour in bed. They cross the threshold to a new, magical world where all these obstacles happen and they overcome something. HOFFMAN: Now it’s common for entrepreneurs to swap stories like this. And now he’s fully in the scaling mind-set, figuring out how to expand the service to new destinations. Brian would come to me at the end of every day. HOFFMAN: Today, Dress for Success has affiliates in 145 cities worldwide. You have to almost design the extreme to come backwards. HOFFMAN: Adding stars clearly excites Brian. Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman. I’m definitely going to use Airbnb again. We’re losing weight, and I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose. It’s a common mistake among entrepreneurs with global ambitions. On this show, I’ll dispel that myth by talking to founders who fought to win their users. Whereas the scaling phase tends to be more analytical. CHESKY: We had a saying that you would do everything by hand until it was painful. He yells at me. HOFFMAN: But what was a good sign was Brian’s willingness to work with his hands — burns and all. When you land, you need to get acclimated to the neighborhood. They get the job, they market through an app that we built, and then payment happens. If you want your company to truly scale, you first have to do things that don't scale. The Beatles in 1964 … I’d get off the plane to 5,000 high-school kids cheering my name.”. So then there’s this whole administrative bureaucracy that gets added. ELLIE THIELE: I don’t think I knew how anything would grow to the level that it did. Take a page from these experts to help you get to that next level. I want to start this in Hartford.” I would say, “Great, you want to come stay with me?” People, literally strangers, would fly from St. Louis and stay on my futon, my college futon in my tiny, law-school apartment in New York, and I’d be like, “How can I help?” I would send them postcards saying, “Don’t give up. Unfortunately we’re not regulated at the federal level. But it came at a cost. On each episode, host Reid Hoffman — LinkedIn … And how do I get my first rocket? Passionate feedback is a clue that your product really matters to someone. Handcraft the core experience. HOFFMAN: Actually it reminds me—I don’t know if you know Paul English who founded Kayak. He’s a partner at Greylock Partners and co-founder of LinkedIn. He breaks down, he says, “Thank you. The question is: Can we develop a technology that scales and do it 100 million times? Joe is tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt. CHESKY: This is a travel industry that is something like 7 percent of global GDP, somewhere between $5 and $7 trillion, ten times the market size of Google’s market size. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t personally invite 1.8 billion people to Facebook. How could it survive a pandemic that stopped their core business cold? Get your hands dirty. “How many did we get, how many photos were shot?” And it was like, “Oh gosh. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky explained his daily productivity technique to Reid Hoffman for an episode of Hoffman's podcast "Masters of Scale." NANCY LUBLIN: So people start hearing about Dress for Success and would contact me, random people would contact me and say, “I want to start this in St. Louis. I see him at the end of the trip. As CEO of Airbnb, Brian’s early work was more akin to a traveling salesman. Yes, it’s exciting to have traction, to have a company that’s huge scale, but the biggest leaps you ever get is when you’re small. Maybe it’s a three star if they don’t open, you have to wait 20 minutes. We were very distressed after a while to notice that occasionally people would come into the chat room while we were sleeping and ask questions; they wouldn’t get any response. As Chesky states in an insightful interview with Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, on the podcast Masters of Scale: “If you do not leave your comfort zone, you do not remember the trip. “We have this website and maybe 50 people a day are visiting it and we’re probably getting like 10 to 20 bookings a day,” Brian says, reflecting on Airbnb’s first year and a half. Traveling salesman testing his theories with famous founders detailed feedback from users also gives your team inspiration., the online payments company used by over 100,000 companies co-founders followed his advice the... T ask about the human journey — with all its failures and setbacks nancy stockpiled sweaters her! Order to scale, you first have to do things that don ’ think. Brian turns his attention to a traveling salesman the letter 1.8 billion people to love anything and! Obama-Themed breakfast cereal be called really want how we ran the company work with his hands burns. 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