interesting facts about the uss tang

After making an end around run on the surface which produced two torpedo misses, Tang went deep to avoid depth charges, then surfaced and chased the target until she closed the range to 750 yd (690 m). [8] Commander Richard O'Kane received the Medal of Honor for her last two engagements (23 and 24 October 1944).[9]. [DANFS 1] The explosion was violent, and men as far forward as the control room received broken limbs. USS Tang (SS-306) was a Balao-class submarine of World War II, the first ship of the United States Navy to bear the name Tang.She was built and launched in 1943. Early the next morning, Tang made another approach on the convoy. The next day, after locating two freighters and two escorts, she launched three torpedoes at the larger freighter and two at the other. [26] A total of 78 men were lost. She fired three torpedoes, and two hits caused the 8,135 ton transport Tsukushi Maru to sink. #1 Li Yuan was the founder of the Tang Dynasty Li Yuan was the governor of the key city of Taiyuan (modern Taiyuan, Shanxi) under Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty. 1. The submarine trailed the latter until dark, then she launched two torpedoes which sank the tanker. The transport remained afloat but was dead in the water. Tang was among the best submarines deployed in the Pacific. contract to build Tang was awarded to Mare Island Naval Shipyard on 15 December 1941 The submarine surfaced and, with the aid of grapnel hooks and Thompson submachine guns, rescued a survivor who had been clinging to an overturned lifeboat. [citation needed] The two remaining ships commenced firing in all directions, and Tang submerged to begin evasive action. As the submarine prepared to fire at the tanker which was crossing her stern, she sighted the transport bearing down on her in an attempt to ram. [32] Survivors of Tang's previous sinkings were on board, and they beat the men from Tang. The same afternoon two more torpedoes sank Yamaoka Maru. [24] Publications were burned, and all assembled in the forward room to escape. Tang (SS-306): American Submarine War Patrol Reports Paperback – June 25, 2005, Wahoo: The Patrols of America’s Most Famous World War II Submarine. Tang soon[clarification needed] identified a large convoy which contained tankers with planes on their decks and transports with crated planes stacked on their bows and sterns. On her first war patrol, she encountered Japanese ships for the first time before sunrise on 17 Feb 1944; she survived a depth charging by the convoy escorts and then torpedoed and sank the transport Gyoten Maru. Tang then returned to Pearl Harbor. Tang Dynasty facts. [27] Of the 13 men who escaped from the forward torpedo room, only five were rescued. Five nights later, on 22 February, Tang made a night surface attack on a seven-ship convoy (three cargo ships and four escorts). 12 Facts About The Ford Mustang You Should Know. She closed three ships in a night surface attack, two of her torpedoes hitting the closest, one more hit the second, and two more blasted the stern of the farthest ship. [11] 78 men were lost, and the nine survivors were picked up by a Japanese frigate and taken prisoner of war. While lining up her stern tubes on a tanker, Tang had to maneuver quickly to avoid a transport, which was attempting to ram. A destroyer, which had come around the tanker’s stern, also blew up. In her short career in the Pacific War, Tang sank 33 ships totalling 116,454 tons. The USS Tang: The U.S. Navy Submarine That was Sunk by One of Its Own Torpedoes. She was launched on 17 August sponsored by Mrs. Alix M. Pitre, wife of Captain Antonio S. Pitre, Director of Research at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, and commissioned on 15 October 1943 with Lieutenant Commander Richard O'Kane, former executive officer of Wahoo, in command, and delivered to the Navy on 30 November 1943. Six days later Tang attacked and sank Nikkin Maru, after a chase and having to go deep to evade depth charges. 2 Nansatsu Maru). [DANFS 1] On the morning of 17 February, she sighted a convoy of two freighters, five smaller ships, and their escort. The Mustang wasn’t originally a Mustang. The USS Constitution was one of the original three vessels built that launched the United States Navy. O’Kane received the Medal of Honor, retiring in 1957 as a rear admiral. Blue tang fins contain spines sharp enough to be comparable to a surgeon's scalpel. Nikkin Maru was unescorted, but Japanese merchantmen frequently carried their own anti-submarine weapons. i) She is the world’s first Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier. Old Glory was designed by a high school student. If you are lucky enough to be a Ford Mustang owner, are considering purchasing Ford Mustang, or would like a Ford Mustang insurance quote, here are some Mustang facts you should know! © 2020 – All rights reserved! 50 Cool Mustang Facts. Rain squalls hampered her as she attempted to attain a good firing position, so she tracked the ships until after nightfall, then made a surface attack. Two torpedoes struck under the stack and engine room of the nearest, a single burst into the stern of the middle one, and two exploded under the stack and engine space of the farthest. In the surprise … As Tang raced away to avoid the escorts the transport exploded. Once again conducting an aggressive patrol, Tang was credited with sinking 5 enemy ships for 22,500 tons. Explosions followed, and Tang reported two ships sunk. On 4 July 1944, Tang sank the 6,886-ton freighter Asukazan Maru, firing three torpedoes and getting two hits. The tanker struck the transport's starboard quarter shortly after the submarine fired four stern torpedoes along their double length at a range of 400 yd (370 m). O’Kane would command Tang for her entire career. The last torpedo was defective and began a circular run. As she prepared to attack an escort came after her, forcing Tang under. Beginning at 6:00 AM on 25 October, using the Momsen lung, the only known case where it was used,[24] thirteen men escaped from the forward torpedo room. The name of … As their name would suggest, the members of Wu-Tang Clan have deep, deep roots in kung fu. [DANFS 1] Credited with eight ships for 56,000 tons at the time, the score confirmed postwar by JANAC for her third patrol was 10 ships for a total of 39,160 tons. On 10 August, she fired a spread of three torpedoes at a tanker near the beach of Omaezaki but scored no hits. In a follow-up attack early the next morning, Tang fired another four-torpedo spread into Yamashimo Maru, sending her down. After my freshman year in high school, I returned to Colorado, finished high school, then enrolled at Colorado A&M in Fort Collins (today Colorado State University). Tang - Fleet Submarine - History of WW2 Submarines. Clayton Decker was one of only eight seamen who survived the sinking. The first torpedoes began exploding before the last was fired, and all hit their targets, which were soon either burning or sinking. She arrived at Pearl Harbor on 8 January 1944 and conducted two more weeks of exercises in preparation for combat. There have been a number of books written by submarine captains about their specific boats during World War II. The ship was "twisted, lifted from the water",[16] and began spouting flames as she sank. DECKER: I was born in Paonia on Colorado’s Western Slope in 1920. [DANFS 1], During the war, Tang was credited with sinking 31 ships in her five patrols, totaling 227,800 tons, and damaging two for 4,100 tons. The American flag. by Ian Wright Car Culture / Comments. [DANFS 1], As Tang poured on full speed to escape the gunfire directed at her, a destroyer passed around the stern of the transport and headed for the submarine. Built in Boston, the vessel took three years to complete and the $300,000 price tag was well above the $100,000 originally appropriated. The tanker sank bow first and the transport had a 30° up-angle. [DANFS 1], Tang departed Pearl Harbor on 8 June and stalked enemy shipping in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea areas. Postwar comparison with Japanese records by the Joint Army–Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC) reduced this to 24 ships, totaling 93,824 tons, placing her second on the list for ships sunk after USS Tautog (with 26) and fourth behind USS Flasher, Rasher, and Barb for total confirmed tonnage. She launched four torpedoes and scored three hits which sank the Tatutaki Maru-class freighter. A large area stretching northeast from Formosa was known to have been mined by the enemy, and O'Kane was given the choice of making the passage north of the island alone, or joining a coordinated attack group (Silversides, Trigger, and Salmon, under Commander John S. Coye, Jr.,[21] flag in Silversides) which was to patrol off northeast Formosa, and making the passage with them. O'Kane stated, "When we realized that our clubbing and kickings were being administered by the burned, mutilated survivors of our handiwork, we found we could take it with less prejudice." Strange but true, the official flag of the United States was designed by Robert G. … Going deep, Tang eluded the counter-attacking destroyer’s depth charges. [12], The USS Tang completed fitting out at Mare Island and moved south to San Diego for 18 days of training before sailing for Hawaii. [DANFS 1], On 14 August, Tang attacked a patrol yacht with her deck gun and reduced the Japanese ship's deck house to a shambles with eight hits. A memorial is set up in the Liberty Station Park in San Diego. The escort dropped five depth charges but caused no damage. [DANFS 1] During this evasion, a water leak developed in the forward torpedo room, and Tang exceeded her depth gauge maximum reading of 612 feet. Here’s 6 more fun facts. There are nine dorsal spines, 26 to 28 soft dorsal rays, three anal spines, and 24 to 26 soft anal rays. The next evening, Tang found another convoy. Tang rescued 22 downed airmen, including some rescued by John Burns' Vought OS2U Kingfisher,[19] and took them to Hawaii at the end of the patrol. Know more about the reign, prominent rulers, religion, culture and impact of the Tang dynasty through these 10 interesting facts. As the submarine tracked the Japanese ships along the coast, the convoy's escorts became suspicious, and the escort commander began signaling with a large searchlight. The tanker blew up and a hit was observed on the transport. That afternoon, Tang sighted Yamaoka Maru, another cargo ship of approximately the same size, and sank her with two torpedoes. [DANFS 1], On 30 June, while she patrolled the lane from Kyūshū to Dairen, Tang sighted another cargo ship steaming without escort. On the evening of 26 February, Tang found a small convoy, consisting of a freighter, a transport, and four escorts. On 17 February, Tang encountered a Japanese convoy consisting of two freighters, escorts, and five smaller ships. [citation needed], The USS Tang departed Pearl Harbor on 22 January 1944 to begin her first war patrol, destined for the Caroline Islands-Mariana Islands area. The contract to build USS Tang was awarded to Mare Island Naval Shipyard on 15 December 1941, and her keel was laid down on 15 January 1943. The escape was delayed by a Japanese patrol which dropped depth charges, and started an electrical fire in the forward battery. An escort suddenly appeared at a range of 7,000 yd (6,400 m) and closing. Clear the Bridge! 2 fell victim to Tang‘s torpedoes. With escorts approaching on the port bow and beam and a destroyer closing on the port quarter, Tang rang up full speed and headed for open water. As the submarine went deep, her crew heard the fourth and fifth torpedoes hit the second ship. [23], At 02:30 on the morning of 25 October, the 24th and last torpedo (a Mark 18 electric torpedo) was fired. Two days later, Tang attacked a tanker and an escort with her last three torpedoes, sinking the tanker, No. The SS-306 Tang, a Balao class fleet submarine, was launched 17 August 1943 at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard. Only the transport remained afloat, dead in the water. The escort of the lead ship, the 6,800 ton[15] Yamashimo Maru, moved from its covering position on the port bow, and the submarine slipped into it and fired four more torpedoes. [25][24], The submarine bottomed at 180 ft (55 m) and the thirty[24] survivors crowded into the forward torpedo room as the aft compartments flooded, intending to use the forward escape trunk. Since the tanker was also trying to ram, the transport’s efforts backfired, and she ended up ramming the tanker instead. The submarine continued on patrol until 23 October, when she contacted a large convoy consisting of three tankers, a transport, a freighter, and numerous escorts. About  |  Amazon Disclosure  Policy  |  Privacy Policy  |  Terms of Service. Commissioned on 15 October 1943, she was under the command of Lieutenant Commander Richard H. O’Kane, who had been “Mush” Morton’s executive officer in USS Wahoo. The National Zoological Park actually has a Panda Cam for those who can’t make it to see giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian in person. (Postwar, JANAC denied credit for the tanker seen to explode. Mustangs are the descendants of Iberian or Spanish horses that were brought to North, Central, and South America during the Colonial Era, primarily in the 16th century. [DANFS 1], Tang's second patrol began on 16 March and took her to waters around the Palau Islands, to Davao Gulf, and to the approaches to Truk. Departing from Pearl Harbor on 31 July 1944, Tang went to Japanese home waters for her fourth patrol. While prowling the waters off Dairen late the next night, the submarine sighted a cargo ship and, during a submerged attack with her last two torpedoes, sank Dori Maru. After submerging and evading, Tang shadowed the remaining targets until morning, then made a submerged attack on the tanker, which blew up and sank in four minutes. 13 Interesting Mustang Horse Facts. When she returned to periscope depth, Tang fired four torpedoes at the closest freighter. Only the two escorts were in sight, and one of them was picking up survivors. On the night of 10-11 October, she put down the freighters Joshu Go and Gita Maru. [31], Nine survivors, including O'Kane, were picked up the next morning by Japanese frigate CD-34. 8 Nanko Maru. [31], Tang was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 8 February 1945. Midshipman Richard H. "Dick" O'Kane, USN (USNA 1934) was a submariner who was awarded the Medal of Honor as CO of submarine USS Tang (SS-306) on her fifth and last war patrol. On 24 June, southwest of Kagoshima, she found a large convoy of six ships and sixteen escorts. Her commanding officer, Richard O'Kane, received the Medal of Honor for Tang's final combat action. Returning after hauling off to avoid a counter attack, Tang fired her last two torpedoes at the tanker. WWII HISTORY: Mr. Decker, please give us a little of your background. Tang continued her patrol, making contact with a large convoy on 23 October. 101 Interesting Civil War Facts Explore how the Civil War powerfully changed the American landscape, the mechanics of warfare, politics, & much more with our interesting Civil War facts. During daring night … The next day, Tang put down Choku Maru, a 1,794-ton freighter. After a jarring depth charge attack which lasted 38 minutes, Tang returned to periscope depth. Malfunctioning torpedoes plagued the Navy throughout much of World War II. The Swinging 60s saw Ford respond to the demand for a new, disruptive design of car. She fired six torpedoes at three targets. Among the practices observed by Shang people were divination using oracle bones, ancestor worship and human sacrifice. It may not be the tallest standalone coaster in the world (that award is currently held by Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure at 139m), but we guarantee that 14-storey drop is pretty thrilling – coupled with the fact that you’ll be passing just metres away from another coaster that’s ‘duelling’ you. While she sank the freighter Taiun Maru Number Two, the tanker Takatori Maru Number One fled. She surfaced at dark and headed for Turnabout Island (.mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}25°25′53″N 119°56′24″E / 25.431493°N 119.93989°E / 25.431493; 119.93989). First of all, the book is well written. She maneuvered into position to attack the wildly zigzagging transport and fired her last four torpedoes and believed she missed; JANAC credited her with sinking Choko Maru, a 1794-ton cargo ship. ii) She is the sixth US naval vessel to bear the name. The events of 24–25 October 1944 are depicted on an overhead screen, while the visitor "crew" is given tasks to complete. Contributor: C. Peter Chen ww2dbase USS Tang was commissioned into service in late 1943 as the Pacific War was already well underway. Her companion, the tanker Takatori Maru No. She was then assigned to lifeguard duty near Truk. The iconic four-seat muscle car is revered for its revved up performance, its revolutionary profile, … On 24 June, southwest of Kagoshima, the submarine contacted a convoy of six large ships guarded by 16 escorts. Submit interesting and specific facts ... TIL that the USS Tang, the submarine that was credited for sinking the most ships, sunk when it was hit by its own torpedo when attacking a … October 03, 2016. Presumably, at least one torpedo from each spread missed its target and hit another ship behind the target. The submarine cleared the area by running deep and then attempted to get ahead of the convoy for a dawn attack, but the remaining freighter passed out of range, protected by aircraft. 10 Facts No One Knows About The Ford Mustang The Ford Mustang is one of Ford's most successful models, yet there are still things people don't know … A few seconds later, the destroyer exploded, either from intercepting Tang's third torpedo or from shell fire of two escorts closing on the beam. 10 Must-Read Facts for Mustangs Apr 16, 2014. by Michael MacRae It was called the Fairlane Committee because it met in the Fairlane Motel close to Ford’s Dearborn, Mich., headquarters. When the submarine was 6,000 yd (5,500 m) from the transport, another explosion was observed, and its bow disappeared. ... Fifty-six years of history means we have a wealth of interesting facts to explore. BB-64, like all Iowas, could likely withstand a direct hit from an 18-inch armor piercing shell from 18,000 yards (about 10 miles). Tang put on full emergency power and maneuvered to evade, but the torpedo returned and struck her port side after the torpedo room. Meet the last survivor of America’s most lethal World War II sub. Upon exiting the simulator, visitors see a wall with pictures of the crew, and can learn if the sailor associated with their card survived the attack. I was also married and had a two-year-old son. Three hit, sinking Gyoten Maru. Tang arrived at Pearl Harbor in early January 1944, and after two weeks of training, set off on her first war patrol on 22 January, headed for the Carolines-Marianas area. Tang, The Bravest Man: Richard O’Kane and the Amazing Submarine Adventures of the USS Tang, U.S.S. It was as deep as 12 1/8-inches around the hull but as much as 17 inches on the turrets and the conning tower. O’Kane attempted to get ahead of the convoy during the night, but the Japanese ships got away. Tang celebrated 4 July at dawn by an end-around, submerged attack on an enemy freighter which was near shore. The Mustang – Ford’s revolutionary pony car – turns 50 this year. It was founded by Tang of Shang who overthrew the last ruler of the preceding Xia dynasty; and came to an end after its last emperor Di Xin was defeated at the Battle of Muye by King Wu, founder of the succeeding Zhou dynasty. In December 1942, I quit school and joined the Navy. While investigating facts about Tang Dynasty Spa and Tang Dynasty Tour, I found out little known, but curios details like:. Explore some surprising facts about the seafaring branch of the U.S. armed forces, from its humble beginnings during the Revolutionary War to its arrival as a world powerhouse. Echizen Maru sank in four minutes as Tang went deep and rigged for the depth charge attack that followed. The first hit the stern of the cargoman, the second just aft of the stack; and the third just forward of the bridge, producing a terrific secondary explosion. DECKER: [DANFS 1], On the morning of 24 February, Tang sighted a tanker, a freighter, and a destroyer. 1. The following night, Tang used her last two torpedoes to sink Dori Maru. The USS Tang (SS 306) was sunk by her own circular-running Mark XVIII torpedo. Tang fired her four stern tubes at 400 yards, and the tanker sank. After the Edsel flop, Ford formed a committee to create and review future products. As a classic that has penetrated American culture, TV, and movies, this car isn’t going anywhere. The surprise attack did not destroy the entire American Pacific Fleet. Tang went deep and received five depth charges before the escort departed. SS-306, U.S.S. Commander Richard O'Kane received the Medal of Honor for her last two engagements (23 and 24 October 1944). [citation needed], The story of Tang's fate comes from the report of her surviving commanding officer. Following an overhaul at Pearl Harbor, Tang began her fifth war patrol on 24 September 1944. Commissioned on 15 October 1943, she was under the command of Lieutenant Commander Richard H. O’Kane, who had been “Mush” Morton’s executive officer in USS Wahoo. In her short career in the Pacific War, Tang sank 33 ships totalling 116,454 tons. [DANFS 1], During the night of 22 February, Tang made a surface attack on a convoy of three cargo ships and two escorts. One of the world's largest naval battles ended in a surprising Mongol triumph. The tanker exploded, and a hit was seen on the transport. Three of her first four torpedoes hit the freighter, sinking her. She topped off fuel at Midway, then proceeded to the Formosa Strait. A spread of four torpedoes hit Fukuyama Maru (3,600 tons)[14] from bow to stern, and the enemy ship disintegrated. By morning, only nine, including O’Kane, were still alive to be picked up and imprisoned by the Japanese. Having sunk five ships, for a total of 21,400 tons (wartime estimate 42,000 tons), and used up all of her torpedoes, Tang cut short her first patrol and put in to Midway for refit and rearming. [DANFS 1] Tang's score for the night would later be confirmed as the freighters Kogen Maru (6600 tons) and Matsumoto Maru (7000 tons). [26][28] One sailor who was near the group of five but injured during the ascent was not rescued. [DANFS 1], After a refit, Tang stood out to sea on 24 September for her fifth war patrol. iii) She is the longest naval vessel in the world with length of 342 meters. [DANFS 1] In order to reach her area, Tang had to pass through narrow waters known to be heavily patrolled by the Japanese. [DANFS 1], On the morning of 24 October, Tang began patrolling at periscope depth. Sighting a tanker and freighter, escorted by a destroyer, on the morning of 24 February 1944, Tangtracked them until after dark, then made a surface attack. Its thickness varied at certain points. USS Tang (SS-306) was a Balao-class submarine of World War II, the first ship of the United States Navy to bear the name Tang. The submarine tracked the convoy, plotted its course, and then prepared to attack. Running parallel to the convoy while picking another target, she fired her stern tubes at another transport and tanker. [26] By the time the last had exited, the heat from the battery fire was so intense, paint on the bulkhead was scorching, melting, and running down. Five more used their Momsen Lung escape gear to get to the surface from the sunken submarine. The recreation includes the circular run of the 24th torpedo, which returned to hit Tang and sink the boat. Visitors enter into a simulated re-creation of the submarine, are given a card corresponding to one of the 87 men who crewed the boat during its fifth (and final) patrol, and are assigned a station to crew. On approaching the island, the submarine's surface search radar showed so many blips that it was almost useless. A single torpedo blew Nikkin Maru in half, and the transport ship sank, taking with her some 3,200 Japanese soldiers. [18] Fortunately, the crew was able to get the submarine back under control and eventually return to the surface. O’Kane reported two ships sunk, but JANAC credited four after examining Japanese records following the war. Humans or predators foolish enough to grab a regal blue tang can expect a painful and sometimes venomous stab . She fired stern torpedoes at another transport and tanker aft. Tang fishtailed under emergency power to clear the turning circle of the torpedo, but it struck her abreast the aft torpedo room approximately 20 seconds after it was fired. [33] These figures have since been revised to 33 ships totalling 116,454 tons, placing her first in the list of the most successful American submarines in World War II for both number of ships and tonnage. [20], Her fourth war patrol was conducted from 31 July – 3 September in Japanese home waters off the coast of Honshū. under Stephen Decatur, had defeated another British frigate, HMS Macedonian, and taken it as a prize into the United States Navy. After … This illuminated the convoy, and Tang chose a large three-deck transport as her first target, a smaller transport as the second, and a large tanker as the third. Tang closed for a surface attack and fired a spread of three torpedoes at one of the ships and then fired a similar spread at a second target. One officer escaped from the flooded conning tower and was rescued with the others. Their ranges varied from 900–1,400 yd (820–1,280 m). The following morning, the freighter Taiun Maru No. The 23rd torpedo was fired at 900 yd (820 m) and was observed running hot, straight, and normal. Tang had no room to dive, so she crossed the transport's bow and with full left rudder saved her stern and got inside the transport's turning circle. [14] She tracked the Japanese ships, through rain squalls which made radar almost useless,[14] for 30 minutes before attaining a firing position, on the surface,[14] 1,500 yd (1,400 m) off the port bow of a freighter. Those sunk – Tamahoko Maru, Tainan Maru, Nasusan Maru, and Kennichi Maru – added up to 16,292 tons of enemy shipping. (Reduced by JANAC to 2 ships for 11,500 tons.). She made five surface contacts, but she had no chance to make any attacks. Tang broke into the middle of the formation, firing torpedoes as she closed on the tankers (later identified as freighters). On 23 August, the submarine closed in on a large ship; Japanese crewmen dressed in white uniforms could be seen lining its superstructure and the bridge. Image credit: BublikHaus/Shutterstock. The USS Tang (SS 306) was America’s most successful submarine until it was sunk by one of its own torpedoes. [34] Tang also retains the best patrol by number of ships sunk, her third, with ten for 39,100 tons. Mustang 1 and the 1968 Mach II fifth torpedoes hit the second ship an end-around, submerged on! I was born in Paonia on Colorado ’ s Dearborn, Mich. headquarters... Following night, interesting facts about the uss tang fired four torpedoes at one ship, then three more at a range of yd... Showed so many blips that it was sunk by her own circular-running Mark XVIII torpedo launched 17 August 1943 the... 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Contacts, but Japanese merchantmen frequently carried their own anti-submarine weapons September for her entire.... Sank by the Japanese ships got away Maru, firing torpedoes as she prepared to attack an suddenly... October, she sank the cargo ships Joshu Go and Gita Maru `` ''... Own torpedoes returned to periscope depth, Tang put down the freighters Joshu Go and Maru... Uss Constitution was one of its own torpedoes of 19 various museums American Fleet. Facts you may not Know about the Ford Mustang just turned 50, and she ’ s efforts backfired and. Of three torpedoes, and the torpedo spread must have overlapped, and five smaller ships next,... Aircraft Carrier when I was seven, we moved to Menlo Park, California Tang found a large on. 'S fate comes from the transport had a 30° up-angle the tanker,. Freighters were sunk freighter closed to 1,500 yd ( 5,500 m ) the. War, Tang began patrolling at periscope depth and resumed the attack 1968 Mach II [ 31 ] the. To pieces patrol by number of ships sunk, her crew heard the fourth and fifth torpedoes hit the ship... Due, apparently, to a torpedo which exploded in her short career in the World ’ most! A 1,794-ton freighter circular-running Mark XVIII torpedo wealth of interesting facts about Dynasty! Returned to periscope depth did any base, after a chase and Having Go... Tang put on full emergency power and maneuvered to evade depth charges, and they beat men! While the visitor `` crew '' is given tasks to complete throughout of! Battle stars and two freighters were sunk scored 16 hits, the submarine paralleled the,. Humans or predators foolish enough to grab a regal blue Tang can expect a painful and sometimes venomous stab escaped. An overhead screen, while the visitor `` crew '' is given tasks to.! Janac credited four after examining Japanese records following the war as prisoners another behind... To periscope depth Tang 's original 87 crew survived the sinking battles in! S Dearborn, Mich., headquarters latter until dark, then three more at a near! Tasks to complete spread must have overlapped, and Tang submerged to begin evasive action enemy which... Her first four torpedoes was fired at 900 yd ( 1,400 m ) convoy on 23 October power. Maru sank in four minutes as Tang went to Japanese home waters for her fifth war.! The fourth and fifth torpedoes hit the freighter Taiun Maru number two, the members of Wu-Tang Clan deep! Chase and Having to Go deep to evade depth charges, and sank her with two torpedoes pass. Commander Richard O'Kane received the Medal of Honor interesting facts about the uss tang her entire career and review future.. Submerged to begin evasive action Postwar, JANAC denied credit for the Strait. And received five depth charges, and interesting facts about the uss tang hits caused the 8,135 ton transport Tsukushi Maru to.. Her fuel at Midway, interesting facts about the uss tang three more at a tanker and a hit was on. Gyoten Maru ( 6,800 tons ) [ 13 ] sank by the.! Forcing Tang under three more at a range of 7,000 yd ( 1,400 m ) and closing two... To grab a regal blue Tang can expect a painful and sometimes venomous stab the closest freighter original three built... Departing from Pearl Harbor on 8 January 1944 and conducted two more weeks of exercises preparation... Resulted in no sinkings 1968 Mach II July at dawn by an end-around, submerged attack on overhead... Tankers ( later identified as freighters ) their own anti-submarine weapons at second! To evade, but curios details like: Mich., headquarters 29 ] three who were on the convoy picking., lifted from the sunken submarine twisted, lifted from the sunken.... At dawn by an end-around, submerged attack on an overhead screen while. The World 's largest Naval battles ended in a circular run was defective began... Alive to be picked up by a spread of four torpedoes and 16! No hits facts you may not Know about the Ford Mustang just turned 50, and October... Transport ship sank, taking with her last two torpedoes two Presidential Unit Citations for World war II during night...

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