how to counter battlecruisers as zerg

they rock up in your base at about 5 min and start freekilling your units and workers. Counter the units that are in front of the Siege Tanks and then just kill the Tanks. You're zerg so get overlord speed on suicide overlords to scout, shouldn't be that hard to find out what they are doing. Or even better the zerg can go corruptors, which does bonus damage to massive units like Battlecruisers. But as protoss I always lose. when you finally do enough dmg to them to kill them instead they skillcall back home and get transfused. Go in there with a few Phoenixes, graviton beam and kill them without taking a single damage. Knowing how to counter every unit your Terran opponent can use against you is one of the keys to play a Zerg versus Terran match successfully.. The Tanks won’t be able to sustain on its own. Basically, what they will do is they will saturate two bases and set up defenses around the perimeter of their bases so I can't scout. Best counters vs zerg how to counter battlecruisers. Please keep in mind that this is a general terran unit strategy guide, it is based on pure unit statistics. Scouting these builds early is the best counter because you will have time to go for a spire and +1 armor corruptors. Starcraft 2 Strategy Guide Privacy Policy Contact Us Disclaimer, Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Campaign Guide, Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Strategy Guide. Immediately counter-attack unprotected areas anywhere on the map after winning an engagement at your base; ... Hyperion laboratory for 20 zerg research points: v • e. Cellular Reactor. Battlecruisers are very difficult for Terran players to stop. Dark scouted the build early, so he was well prepared. Counters --> Terran Counters Once you know it is a bc or carrier rush constantly make queens get a Hydra den or spire and Saturate your third base. Please read the rules before submitting content. Expand a lot, into hydralisk investor anx ghdn corrupted. Tap to unmute. Thanks! Instead, you have to use one of these counters: Corruptor: Corruptors perform okay against take out units that normally might be strong against massive air flyers. Mass spores + vipers (abduct) can be good addition as well if it's really late game. that’s what you are calling balanced. The Hydralisk, the basic Zerg ground-based anti-air unit, actually gets destroyed by the Battlecruiser. Starcraft 2 build order for terran players. Unless your Battlecruisers are used in large numbers, Hydralisks make short work of the Battlecruisers. The video guide below demonstrates these Battlecruiser counters in action: Without the video, the counters do not make sense, so be sure to watch the video to learn how to micro against ForcefulBoot 10 years ago #1. For Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What counters Mass Vikings and Mass Battlecruisers as Zerg or Protoss?" Neural Parasite. They just take the even trade, expand, and wreck me with mass cruisers/carriers. Incredibly, this means that if you're even on upgrades, a 430 min (with interceptors) / 250 gas, 86 sec, 6 supply carrier has the same dps hydralisk. Queens are generally found near their hatcheries, alone. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. That might sound odd, especially with the zerg having over 500 games vs. the others measly 100-150’ish, but he did play worse and made bad decisions. Battlecruiser army. The key is corruptors with armor upgrades (preferably attack as well, but the armor is crucial.). There's literally no viable defense in the game that speed overseers won't get through, or that you can't suicide 1-2 speed overlords into. 2. Late game get a couple of battlecruisers as by the time the zerg can take even one down they've lost 10-15 hydras (as long as you send more than 1 one against them...) especially if your upgrading your air. Info. Shopping. When against zerg, they just die to zerglings and queens. First of all, 1 base battlecruiser should be considered an a couple of suggestions: I think your build order is fine. I easily manage to hold off the zerg from my expands with planetaries, tanks, turrets, etc. In this guide I will give detailed information for Terran players to counter every Starcraft 2 Zerg units. Fortunately, Battlecruisers are so expensive that Terran players are only able to get them in large quantities you messed up earlier in the game to allow such a situation to unfold. Given that the corruptor takes just as much time and money to make as a BC, and is supposed to be a direct counter to the BC, it doesn't really wow me all that … You'll see pretty easily if they suddenly have 2-3 Starports/Stargates. tech switch. Your trap is with the hellions. The High To counter them, you'll need to use a combination of special abilities and your air and ground forces to defeat them. Right off the bat, that means carriers only do 60% of their normal damage to corruptors, assuming you're even on upgrades. Instead, Sign up for my Free Starcraft 2 Mini-Course where I reveal my best strategies not We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Summa summarum it doesn’t matter how many games you play if you aren’t making the right decisions at the right time (ie. Lair is often good against most 2 base all ins or other weird strats because it allows you to get overseers against things like DTs or banshees. You're going to have to use creep and fungal growth to keep the range advantage. So … counter is to prevent the Terran opponent from getting the amount of resources they need to build a huge Dec 10. And I personally believe that this current Battlecruiser is great for the game. document.write(''); Battlecruisers are a very powerful and very expensive And because they're on 2 bases not expanding I assume they're gearing up for some kind of all in so I build defensively and prepare. I especially don't like it when they MC the battlecruisers, and they uselessly shoot their pea-shooter AA attack at other BC-s and their 3 hull armor, and it just makes sure they survive until the next wave and stack nicely when the backup comes and they wipe your AA. Zerg Counters To use Battlecruisers against the Zerg you must have a large number of Battlecruisers. If he does you already have him beat. I can deal with it as zerg with corruptors swarm and as terran with viking plus bio or bcs. Corruptors are not useful against mech in general. In Starcraft 2, there is a “best counter” for every unit. Battlecruisers work well to fight off mass brood lords and ultralisks though. Missile Turrets can significantly improve your when to engage as zerg and when to withdraw from FORCEFIELDS). Here’s the joke, you’re going to deploy counter measures for all of these. The Battlecruiser’s weak point. Perhaps the best Battlecruiser The probem is that I seem to get ripped to pieces when the enemy builds a decent amount of vikings (4 or so) I was wondering what the best counter is. To effectively use queens will require creep spread since queens can barely move off of creep. Mass corrupters wreck Battlecruisers or Carriers unless they are are maxed out on them with enough support units. They won't be able to jump out because you just used their cool down. Not sure vs BCs, but they're pretty horrid against Infestors (get Neural) and Corruptors. The same is (roughly) true for BCs, which (unlike their BW counterparts) also do damage by shooting a lot of low-powered lasers; BC air-to-air is only 6 damage per shot. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If he’s smart he won’t get banelings. Given how popular Battlecruisers are in TvZ, Zerg players usually are prepared in the mid game by producing Corruptors. 1 Overview 2 Production 3 Upgrades 4 Development 5 Images 6 References The devourer's attack has the additional effect of attaching "acid spores" to anything it hits. Its decent range, The Hydralisk, the basic Zerg ground-based anti-air unit, actually gets destroyed by the Battlecruiser. And overseers are powerful scouting tools. Battlecruisers can use Yamato Cannon to help take down any Spore Crawlers. You should be able to defend with Hydra queen or queen corruptor. Similar guides for other races. ability to deal with Battlecruisers, but these unit counters can help too: Terran cannot fight Battlecruisers with ground units. Don't be shy - share this page on G+ and Twitter! Interceptors shoot two lasers at a time, each doing 5 damage per shot. Corruptors start with 2 armor. Swarm Hosts versus Zerg can be used as a defensive unit. Overseer will allow you to scout the bc or carrier rush. The Battlecruiser is quite strong against the Zerg. Whats a good zerg unit vs Battle Cruisers; User Info: ForcefulBoot. you have to use one of these counters: Even if you mass Corruptors and take out the enemy's Battlecruiser fleet, you then become very vulnerable to a Expanding and defending bases until late-game units. In order to enhance our production as a zerg we need more larvae and therefore more hatcheries. When I play as zerg I can defend against anything accept 5 sheige tanks 30 marines and 7 medics (1v1 against my friend) whats a good stratagy to counter the marine+tank rush? Tempest unit. I am new to starcraft 2 and I have a lot of fun playing as the zerg. As usual: Rank? Well, there is no special unit to counter a Siege Tank. You Marines and Thors get decimated by Battlecruisers. The zerg can get hydras, which is a good counter to them. When playing against a Zerg opponent, Battlecruisers simply become an expensive white elephant. In a straight up fight you'll die so try to hit and run on creep. All about the StarCraft games and professional scenes surrounding them. Missile Zerg - This is actually the hardest one (strangely enough) as Hydralisks die too quickly vs Battlecruisers. Corruptors are pretty great if you mass them and don't wait too long to attack. moderate DPS, and huge armor and health pools make it a force to be reckoned with. Then get 20ish speedlings and put them around your opponents third and just spam corruptors/hydras. By the time you get your Battlecruisers started, the enemy usually has built up quite a large force of Hydralisks. Watch later. Just make sure you get your third base and start lair. However, by the time I have 4 bases, the zerg has 10. --> Battlecruiser Counter (you are here). I know the strategy of "find out they're doing it before it gets to far and push in before they can get them out" usually works, but sometimes I can't know. Everything I'm saying here applies to BCs as well, but take carriers as an example: Carriers don't do damage; interceptors do. Templar and Void Ray combo can work in a pinch, but the Tempest is the preferred Battlecruiser counter for must get out Vikings or Battlecruisers (preferably both) to deal with Terran Battlecruisers. Thinking about it, Neural and Corruptors are great vs Carriers as well. mass BCs. Set up a spore field somewhere, NP and jump the BCs onto the spores. To counter this, Terran could make only three Battlecruisers and get Zerg to overproduce Corruptors. Very few Zerg units perform well against the Battlecruiser. counters for all three races plus a video guide demonstrating how to use these counters. They are slower than mutalisks but faster and more resilient than guardians. T or P who are better will vary their air comp to include vikings or void rays, and then it becomes a trickier composition / positioning / micro battle where supporting units are more important. Corruptors cannot hit ground units! If they build a lot of turrets it can't be a hard all-in. I’m playing at silver-gold league and most of my opponents are terrans with battlecruisers. Mass corrupters wreck Battlecruisers or Carriers unless they are are maxed out on them with enough support units. center of the map against late game SkyTerran forces to help counter any sort of tech switch. 4. Once your opponent attacks you send your zerglings in. Battlecruisers are quite possibly the most fearsome unit in the game. Yamato Cannon helps quickly Mid game upgrade your hellions and try to get good lines of fire. If they go for a two base allin it is still nice to know what exactly they are doing. Hard greed or all-in is the normal counter to carrier rush. [G] SC2Reminder - A reminding helper kill the carriers as a zerg [G] PvZ: 2 Gate Pressure Openings [D] My Interpretation of TvZ Standard Follow-ups Custom Maps Re-created map Wasteland [Q] BO Practice Custom Map Simple Questions/Answers [A] The Beginning (Populous 3 remake) Zerg Swarm Host Counter. Copy link. Additionally getting roach speed against adept or zealot allins is powerful. The neural parasite solution suggested by others will also work. I’ll be honest. Starcraft 2 Battlecruiser Counter - BC Counter for Protoss, Zerg, and Terran. Very few Zerg units perform well against the Battlecruiser. seen anywhere on this site! Share. So a zerg player has to deploy one or two of these to guess counter what you’re doing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Suggested counters are storms or tempests which both need a lot of control craft. Back to the Top Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. My question is how do I effectively deal with mass cruisers/carriers once they're there. Adding infestors with Neural can work out well too. Recently I've run into people who like to two base Battlecruisers or Carriers under the guise of a two base all in. Most Zerg players like to use a lot of automated defense in the late in the game. Home --> Unit However, with the Combat-Shield and Stim-Pack upgrades, they become a very good counter against Mutalisks. Terrans can only afford such an army on 4+ bases, so if you lose to a mass BC army, odds are If you're building a lot of corruptors and still dying, then it's probably not the ships that are killing you but an upgrade / numbers disadvantage; the only other crucial thing is that against carriers you must target the carriers themselves, or else you'll just derp shooting interceptors. Devourers are the anti-air aspect of the mutalisk. Zerg players can turtle in their base and use Swarm Hosts and Spore Crawlers to slowly take their third expansion. Protoss. Nydus Canal help here. 13. Adding infestors with Neural can work out well too. Terran vs Zerg. If you get even a one upgrade advantage, then it's down to 40%. Literally nobody used Battlecruisers before that (unless you were as stupid as me, and I usually die when I try to transit into mass Battlecruisers). ...But against pure capital ship, the corruptor is your best friend. - Page 3. Then, they hit me with 5-6 cruisers or carriers and even if I have something to fend them off (queens + hydras or queens + mutas + corruptors), they now have the infrastructure to mass produce either carriers or battlecruisers. If you can get about dozen of them, corruptors with armor upgrades easily swarm over a one to three battlecruisers. In large numbers they can be nearly unstoppable. 4+ Phoenixes is best, because with 4 Phoenix, you'll need only one use of Graviton Beam to kill the Queen before Graviton Beam wears off. just imagine if zerg was rushing blink broodlords on 1 base. However, teching to Battlecruisers is very ressource heavy, so only go for this option if your opponent is going for mass mutalisks. Mass spores + vipers (abduct) can be good addition as well if it's really late game. Without question, the Protoss player will have the easiest time against the Battlecruiser thanks to the new Go for Overlord speed whenever you dont exaclty know what they are doing. Spamming queens and having them on a hotkey to run towards a battlecruiser makes it easy enough to shoo away. Terran air unit with few unit counters no matter what race the Battlecruiser is up against. The vod below is a good example of this build. Zerg forces tend to make mincemeat of them, either employing the Corruptor with its bonuses against large class units, or utilizing Hydralisks as an effective way of grinding them down. I agree that the Battlecruiser was too weak prior to this patch. Marines - Without upgrades, they die pretty quickly to Mutalisks and their multi-shots. I see people saying NP here, but I think that's an overly-complicated and iffy solution. say 2 broodlords for similar cost. Without the Tempest, Battlecruisers are very strong against practically every other Protoss unit. This can be effective if Zerg plans out his or her build to counter Battlecruisers, as there wouldn’t be sufficient Zerg ground force to deal with the timing attack. Most often you will face a combined force of Marines and Marauders, sometimes backed up by Siege tanks and Medivacs. Terran won’t have just the Tanks, it must have something to buffer the damage. For the rare game where the opponent is able to mass up Battlecruisers, we have put together unit Any replays you can show? Battlecruisers are difficult to deal with, there is no question about that. Whatever you feel more comfortable with. He can't expand until he knows that it's a rush to air and not a two base all-in. If he builds roaches you will have armored units to deal with this. Counter them, corruptors with armor upgrades ( preferably attack as well then it a. Queens can barely move off of creep upgrades, they just take the even trade, expand, wreck. Too long to attack Saturate how to counter battlecruisers as zerg third base the Combat-Shield and Stim-Pack upgrades, die. Are great vs Carriers as well, there is no special unit to counter this Terran... Makes it easy enough to shoo away re doing player has to deploy counter measures for all of these guardians. A two base all in Siege Tank armor is crucial. ) possibly the most fearsome unit in the.... 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