battle of trafalgar

16 “Engage the enemy more closely” (deutsch: „Näher heran an den Feind“) (Nahkampf Schiff gegen Schiff) setzen. [62][72], Spanish military garrisons and civilians set out to rescue survivors from the numerous shipwrecks scattered along the Andalusian coast. Amen, Amen, Amen.”, „Montag, 21. Regards. At 11:45, Nelson sent the flag signal, "England expects that every man will do his duty". They encountered the British fleet under Admiral Lord Nelson, recently assembled to meet this threat, in the Atlantic Ocean along the southwest coast of Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, near the town of Los Caños de Meca. On 16 September, Napoleon gave orders for the French and Spanish ships at Cádiz to put to sea at the first favourable opportunity, join with seven Spanish ships of the line then at Cartagena, go to Naples and land the soldiers they carried to reinforce his troops there, then fight decisively if they met a numerically inferior British fleet.[31]. The disparity in losses has been attributed by some historians less to Nelson's daring tactics than to the difference in fighting readiness of the two fleets. Indeed, his captains had held a vote on the matter and decided to stay in harbour. Zudem sollte diesen so der Rückzug abgeschnitten werden. [9], The British possessed an experienced and well-trained corps of naval officers. [5] During the course of the war, the British imposed a naval blockade on France, which affected trade and kept the French from fully mobilising their naval resources. Approaching in two columns, sailing perpendicular to the enemy's line, one towards the centre of the opposing line and one towards the trailing end, his ships would surround the middle third, and force them to fight to the end. The crew of Algésiras rose up and managed to sail into Cádiz. The governor and Gravina offered in exchange to release their British prisoners, who boarded the British fleet. But his long game of cat and mouse with Nelson had worn him down, and he was suffering from a loss of nerve. [79][page needed]. Die bisher gültige Doktrin sah vor, die schweren Schiffe in einer Schlachtlinie parallel zur gegnerischen Flotte zu segeln, um diese aus der Ferne zu beschießen. As the two fleets drew closer, anxiety began to build among officers and sailors; one British sailor described the approach thus: "During this momentous preparation, the human mind had ample time for meditation, for it was evident that the fate of England rested on this battle". The Battle of Trafalgar 1805. Battle of Trafalgar, October 21st 1805 . This ended the immediate threat of invasion. By Dr. Peter Hammond 2. August Zuflucht in Cádiz. [32] This often led to inconclusive battles, or allowed the losing side to minimise its losses; but Nelson wanted a conclusive action, giving his well-trained crews a chance to fight ship to ship. What remains after the battle)". Of course, the British tried to prevent Napoleon from invading Britain. [70][incomplete short citation]. Sie feuerte in rund einer Minute mehr als 100 Kugeln in den Heckspiegel der Santa Anna und tötete oder verwundete damit einen Großteil der Besatzung. The term "England" was widely used at the time to refer to the United Kingdom; the British fleet included significant contingents from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Das Manöver war schließlich um 10 Uhr abgeschlossen, so dass sich die Schiffe nunmehr auf nördlichem Kurs befanden. In contrast, Nelson was decisive, directing the British fleet into two columns sailing straight into the enemy to pierce its wavering lines. Dabei ist aber zu berücksichtigen, dass ihm eine Flotte unterstand, die ihrem Gegner in der Schlacht von Trafalgar – trotz zahlenmäßiger Übermacht der beiden Verbündeten – kaum gefährlich werden konnte. Just before his column engaged the allied forces, Collingwood said to his officers: "Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world may talk of hereafter." On 21 October 1805, the Royal Navy clashed with the Combined French and Spanish fleet at Cape Trafalgar, off the coast of Spain. I replied, "If your Lordship will permit me to substitute 'expects' for 'confides' the signal will soon be completed, because the word 'expects' is in the vocabulary, and 'confides' must be spelt," His Lordship replied, in haste, and with seeming satisfaction, "That will do, Pasco, make it directly."[52]. The Franco-Spanish fleet lost 22 ships while the British lost none. In addition, Villeneuve lost 3,243 killed, 2,538 wounded, and around 7,000 captured. Admiral Federico Gravina, the senior Spanish flag officer, escaped capture with the remnant of the fleet. [58], Towards the end of the battle, and with the combined fleet being overwhelmed, the still relatively un-engaged portion of the van under Rear-Admiral Dumanoir Le Pelley tried to come to the assistance of the collapsing centre. . In the aftermath of the storm, Collingwood wrote: The condition of our own ships was such that it was very doubtful what would be their fate. [80] For almost 10 years after Trafalgar, the Royal Navy maintained a close blockade of French bases and anxiously observed the growth of the French fleet. [50], The battle progressed largely according to Nelson's plan. At 5:40 a.m. on 21 October, the British were about 21 miles (34 km) to the northwest of Cape Trafalgar, with the Franco-Spanish fleet between the British and the Cape. The fleet included six aircraft carriers (modern capital ships): Charles De Gaulle, Illustrious, Invincible, Ocean, Príncipe de Asturias and Saipan. At the start of the battle, the combating fleets had been 18 miles west from Cape Trafalgar, and 22 miles south-south-west from Cadiz. [82] Nelson's Monument in Edinburgh was built between 1807 and 1815 in the form of an upturned telescope, and in 1853 a time ball was added which still drops at noon GMT to give a time signal to ships in Leith and the Firth of Forth. Die Briten versuchten dies mit einer Blockade der Häfen Brest und Toulon zu verhindern. 215 years later we reappraise the achievements of a national hero whose twice life-size statue stands upon a 170-foot pedestal in the center of London. In 1805 Britain was at war with France and had imposed a naval blockade. The surviving ships remained bottled up in Cádiz until 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain. Villeneuve hat an diesem Tag auch allgemein alles getan, was ein militärischer Führer an der Spitze einer unterlegenen Streitmacht leisten konnte. At 13:55, the French Captain Lucas of Redoutable, with 99 fit men out of 643 and severely wounded himself, surrendered. This made life difficult for Napoleon whose land armies were sweeping before them. [86] King Edward VII did support the Nelson Centenary Memorial Fund of the British and Foreign Sailors Society, which sold Trafalgar centenary souvenirs marked with the Royal cypher. The French Bucentaure was isolated by Victory and Temeraire, and then engaged by HMS Neptune, HMS Leviathan, and Conqueror; similarly, Santísima Trinidad was isolated and overwhelmed, surrendering after three hours. Many of the injured crew were taken ashore at Gibraltar and treated in the Naval Hospital. [23] This left the Channel short of large vessels, with only 11 ships of the line present. At approximately the same moment, Collingwood remarked to his captain, Edward Rotheram, "What would Nelson give to be here?"[57]. Im Verlauf der Schlacht besiegte die Royal Navy unter Vizeadmiral Horatio Nelson die französisch-spanische Armada unter dem französischen Vizeadmiral Pierre de Villeneuve. Collingwood altered the course of his column slightly so that the two lines converged at this line of attack. The latter, conceiving that it was probably intended for her, hauled down her colours, and was taken by HMS Donegal, who anchored alongside and took off the prisoners. [42], Nelson was careful to point out that something had to be left to chance. ... Watch this space , it won’t be long until we see you all . Although Trafalgar meant France could no longer challenge Britain at sea, Napoleon proceeded to establish the Continental System in an attempt to deny Britain trade with the continent. In the evening a symbolic re-enactment of the battle was staged with fireworks and various small ships playing parts in the battle. "[36] In short, circumstances would dictate the execution, subject to the guiding rule that the enemy's rear was to be cut off and superior force concentrated on that part of the enemy's line. The statue of Lord Nelson in Bridgetown, Barbados, in what was also once known as Trafalgar Square, was erected in 1813. [13] However, Villeneuve's fleet successfully evaded Nelson's when the British were blown off station by storms. Napoleons France was the power to beat and the British were the ones to try. As part of an overall French plan to combine all French and allied fleets to take control of the English Channel and thus enable Napoleon's Grande Armée to invade England, French and Spanish fleets under French Admiral Villeneuve sailed from the port of Cádizin the s… It took most of 20 October for Villeneuve to get his fleet organised; it eventually set sail in three columns for the Straits of Gibraltar to the southeast. Nelson died at half-past four, three hours after being hit. These ships were later diverted for convoy duty in the Mediterranean, although Nelson had expected them to return. Nachdem Villeneuve seine Flotte in Toulon mit der verbündeten spanischen Flotte bei Cádiz vereinigt hatte, sollte er zu den Westindischen Inseln segeln, um dort britische Besitzungen anzugreifen und die französischen Truppen in Martinique zu verstärken, wofür 12.000 Soldaten zusätzlich eingeschifft wurden. Fearing their loss, the British burnt or sank Santisima Trinidad, Argonauta, San Antonio and Intrepide. Oktober 1805. Daher befahl er Villeneuve, nach Neapel auszulaufen, um dort die immer noch eingeschifften 12.000 Soldaten anzulanden. Für mich persönlich vertraue ich mein Leben dem an, der mich geschaffen hat, und möge sein Segen sich auf meine Bemühungen legen, meinem Lande treu zu dienen. One of the third rates was an 80-gun vessel, and 16 were 74-gun vessels. In 2005 a series of events around the UK, part of the Sea Britain theme, marked the bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar. [31] At the same time, he received intelligence that a detachment of six British ships (Admiral Louis' squadron), had docked at Gibraltar, thus weakening the British fleet. Nelsons Schlachtplan stellte sich also als voller Erfolg heraus: Franzosen und Spanier sahen sich alsbald in einen erbitterten Nahkampf verwickelt und konnten der schneller und zuverlässiger feuernden britischen Artillerie nicht standhalten. Nelson became – and remains – Britain's greatest naval war hero, and an inspiration to the Royal Navy, yet his unorthodox tactics were seldom emulated by later generations. As the British drew closer, they could see that the enemy was not sailing in a tight order, but in irregular groups. Seine Entscheidungen am Schlachttag waren der Lage angemessen und er hatte Nelsons Schlachtstrategie klar erkannt. The leader of that Royal Navy fleet was Admiral Nelson. 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