Gastroscopy is en endoscopic investigation where the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum are examined with a flexible fibreopticinstrument which is passed via the mouth. Intravenous sedation is required, and an anaesthetist will administer this.
The examination is not painful, but there may be some soreness of the throat following it. It is possible that biopsies (small specimens taken from the lining of the stomach) may be taken to help in making a diagnosis.
Particular Instructions:
- Do not eat or drink anything for 6 hours before the examination
- Take all your usual tablets (with a sip of water)
- Because of the sedation given, it is very important that you do not drive a car, travel on public transport alone, operate machinery or sign legal documents on the same day as the test.
After the procedure
As a result of the sedation administered after waking you will feel a little drowsy and may find your memory of the procedure is poor.
You will need to rest for an hour or two before you go home. You may return to your normal diet as soon as you feel ready.
To schedule a surgical consultation with Dr Braun, please contact us or call direct on 07 3353 9694