Weight Loss Surgery Journey

Getting Started

Step 1 “DONE” –  you acknowledged that you need to do something about finding the right “Weight & Metabolic Solution” to improve your health.

Step 2   Obtain a GP Referral to “Weight & Metabolic Solutions Australia” and book an appointment to see the Multidisciplinary Team on 07 3353 9694, via e-mail: info@lapsurgerybrisbane.com.au or via our on-line enquiry form. This is a comprehensive two hour assessment session where valuable resources and information will be exchange to decide whether a non-surgical or a surgical solution is the right pathway for you.

Step 3   If you do decide to proceed and book a surgical solution, WMSA will allocate you to the appropriate bariatric surgeon who will meet with you, provide final clinical advice and recommendation.  This will also be the time you sign your Consent Form for Treatment.

Step 4   Further preparation for surgery will proceed and be planned for you by the WMSA Team including further assessment and provision of appropriate resources to the procedure you have chosen.

Step 5   Surgery is booked and post operative planning is underway.

If you are interested in pursuing any of our laparoscopic procedures, or any other surgical weight-loss solution with the Weight & Metabolic Solutions Australia located in North Brisbane, please complete our Contact Us Information Form and submit online.